EVE Online tests potentially revolutionary tutorial replacement

Throughout its over 10-year life span, EVE Online has always been regarded as having an insane learning curve. New players are dropped into the sandbox at the deep end, confronted by a complicated user interface and gameplay that is very different to anything else in the MMO genre. A common refrain among players is the fact that they had...

Skyforge’s guilds will offer stat bonuses, sub-guilds, and housing

From the sound of Skyforge's first dev diary on pantheons (guilds), it sounds as though joining a group of players will be a near-mandatory move, especially if you want to reap the benefits of cool features like stat bonuses or special missions. Pantheons will be easy to create but will require effort and resources to grow in its capabilities. One...

Trion Worlds weathers DDoS assault

If you've been having a hard time logging into one of Trion Worlds' games today, you can thank DDoS instigators for that. On both the ArcheAge and Defiance forums, the team said that Trion's servers are currently under attack. "The North American servers are experiencing crashes due to a DDoS attack pointed at our Dallas center," the team posted. "This...

Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs for duoing

A Massively Overpowered reader by the name of DaBruuzer posed a great question to the team, one I thought we'd have a better time answering as a group since many of us play with spouses, significant others, or dear friends in duos. "I would love to see some coverage about MMOs that are couple-friendly. My wife and I have been playing MMOs...
We hardly knew ye. Seriously. Never heard of you before now. No lying.

Online shooter Dizzel is shutting down in April

Fans of Dizzel are going to be sad to hear that the game is shutting down in April, but it might be reassuring to know that it wasn't for lack of fans or profits. No, according to the official announcement, the explanation is far simpler: the Korean studio that developed the game shut down, and the publisher couldn't support...

Revival is launching player housing this month

After October, February seems perfect to tap into the dark, terrible nightmares of gaming. Why? Because you just know some elder god ate those extra days at the end of the month. In any case, you'll soon be able to get your H.P. Lovecraft on with Revival, an open-world sandbox that channels the late great horror writer's spirit. Revival is...
Well, hope springs eternal.

Pathfinder Online lays out its territory control design roadmap

While Pathfinder Online has been playable for many of its backers for a few months now, it's still only in an early deployment phase. Players can take part in control of the game's various towers, but territorial control is not yet implemented. That's going to be changing soon, however, and a recent development post outlines the road to fully...

Chaos Theory: Player-run parade pairs Secret World cabals with recruits

It's been said that The Secret World is more like a single-player game. And it's true: You can definitely enjoy many aspects of the game solo or with just a friend or two. But there may also come a time when you want to be a part of a larger group, especially when trying to run nightmare-mode dungeons or...

Yes, you can push people off cliffs in Crowfall

The folks behind "throne war simulator" MMORPG Crowfall have released two new archetypes today. The first is the Elven Frostweaver, a ranged DPS reminiscent of Drow; the second is the Guinecean Duelist, an adorable dexterity-oriented melee character who will have the Ratonga fans in our audience squeaking with glee. ArtCraft has also posted a new game physics FAQ that covers everything from...

Elder Scrolls Online adds more loyalty rewards

Just because Elder Scrolls Online is going buy-to-play in a month doesn't mean that ZeniMax is giving up hope that you'll stay subscribed to the game. Today the studio announced that it is adding two more loyalty rewards for those who have kept a sub up for a while. The first reward is a delightfully creepy Mask of Cheerful Slaughter...