2022 eoty columns

Lawful Neutral: Recapping 2022’s MMO and gaming law dramas

Fam, it's been a year. I know we've been saying that pretty much every year since 2016, but we'll stop saying it when it...

The definitive 2022 Battle Bards episode guide

One of the side projects I work on every month is Battle Bards, the world's first, best, and (weirdly) only music podcast. It's a...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...

Fight or Kite: The many ways today’s MMOs are failing PvPers

Last week, the MassivelyOP writing crew released its award for the best PvP MMO of the year - yet I couldn’t bring myself to...

Choose My Adventure: All the MMOs you made us play in 2022

This has been a pretty challenging year for a lot of reasons, and my 2022 in Choose My Adventure certainly didn't feel any different...

LOTRO Legendarium: A look back at Lord of the Rings Online in 2022

Holy cow, are we already wrapping up another year of Lord of the Rings Online? I've been writing this column since 2010, and I...

Stick and Rudder: The year that was in Elite Dangerous, from self-owns to sloppy updates to slight hope

To say that Elite: Dangerous had a rough 2022 is putting it mildly (and pretty much dismisses the nuance this retrospective hopes to provide)....