final fantasy xiv

Official Site: Final Fantasy XIV
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: September 30, 2010; relaunched August 27, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: What people don’t really get about the Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV

Not so long ago, I saw a very foolish comment complaining about Final Fantasy XIV from someone who did not play or think about...

The MOP Up: Lost Skies gets downright cozy inside of its ships

Lost Skies' February dev blog showed off some UX work, early prototypes of its weapon damage system, and some super-cozy ship interior concepts. Also, the...

The Stream Team: Going for that sweet convertible in Final Fantasy XIV

MOP's Chris is looking to get the sun on his face, the wind in his hair, and the purr of an Ironworks ceruleum engine...

One Shots: Slice me a chunk of that moon cheese, would ya

You have to love the absolute hubris of Jedi in Star Wars because there's no object that they don't think they can levitate, smash,...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with interesting Guinness World Records

I never quite know how much stock to put in Guinness World Records. I guess it's somewhere between "for amusement value" and "stone cold...

Wisdom of Nym: The franchise references for monsters in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV has no shortage of references to prior series enemies, but as with so many things, lots of those references are not...

The Stream Team: Returning to the roulette runs in Final Fantasy XIV

MOP's Chris and his friends are going to be spending Eorzea Sunday the chill way: by partying up together and running some daily roulettes...

Final Fantasy XIV is hosting a panel at PAX East this year

Among all of Final Fantasy XIV's playerbase, there is one question that everyone wants to have answered: What's the actual deal with Hildibrand? How...
Sure, great, very efficient.

Vague Patch Notes: What does the future of MMORPGs look like?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a piece about the history of MMORPGs as a market and PC gaming in general, suggesting at...
Good car, bad game.

Final Fantasy XIV brings back the Final Fantasy XV collaboration next week

It's time to get back in the car, loser, because Final Fantasy XIV is going collaborating. (Note: this applies to people who are not...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: How long until Final Fantasy XIV’s next expansion based on patch 6.57?

I wasn't really thinking about Final Fantasy XIV's patch 6.57 in any real detail because... of course I wasn't. There are some things I...

One Shots: The mosh pit of friendship

I don't know about you, but when I get together with 75 of my closest friends, I like to crowd right up on them...

LOTRO Legendarium: Rethinking LOTRO’s landscape soldiers

In December 2009, Lord of the Rings Online added one of its most unique side systems with skirmishes. Not only were these instances flexible...

The Daily Grind: Do you participate in MMO lotteries or gambling?

Ever since I got back into Final Fantasy XIV, I've had to remember to take a daily trip up to the gold saucer to...
I have a thought.

The Daily Grind: What are the most recent three MMO classes you’ve been playing?

Take a deep breath and let go of the fear that we were going to fling some overly obtuse topic your way. Today is...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 457: Sailing into February with cannons blazing

Justin and Bree discuss Skull & Bones, FFXIV on Xbox, WoW Classic, New World, and Nightingale, with adventures in LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on day and night cycles and getting out of MMO gaming ruts.
Rock on.

Final Fantasy XIV increases weekly tomestone limits with patch 6.57

You know it's late in the life cycle of a Final Fantasy XIV expansion when the game uncaps your weekly tomestones as is happening...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: What the hey is up with Final Fantasy XIV’s Xbox pricing?

In another theoretical timeline, there's a place where Final Fantasy XIV really would have stepped in it when it subtly noted that the game's...

The Stream Team: Finishing a friend’s run of Final Fantasy XIV’s Pandaemonium

This Eorzea Sunday sees MOP's Chris, his husband Jamie, and their friend Ollie wrap up the Final Fantasy XIV Pandaemonium raids! It's four more...

One Shots: Sky control to Major Tom

I have to imagine that there's no more stressful job in a galaxy far, far away than being an air traffic controller for Coruscant....