alternate history

Vitae Aeternum: New World season 7 doubles down on punishing solo and casual players

When New World relaunched as Aeternum, I harshly criticized the changes made to endgame for making life much worse for casual and solo players,...

Vitae Aeternum: New World’s Secret Level episode and Amazon’s odd priorities

Last week, Amazon's Prime Video launched its Secret Level anthology series of short animated episodes based on a variety of games. Included in this...

Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s 2025 ‘living roadmap’

Covering New World's new "living roadmap" for 2025 seems like something I should have gotten to sooner, but in my defence I've been battling...

Vitae Aeternum: How to fix New World Aeternum’s endgame with chase items and solo play

We're back with the second part of the Vitae Aeternum column's series on improving New World: Aeternum's endgame, with a special eye towards long...
Yeah, that'll do it.

Vitae Aeternum: How to fix New World Aeternum’s endgame with rewards and content relevance

New World is currently enjoying an influx of new players following the Aeternum update, but historically New World's struggle has not been attracting players...

Vitae Aeternum: New World Aeternum leaves veterans, casuals, and PC players behind

The time has finally come. New World's semi-relaunch under the New World: Aeternum banner is here. Regular readers of this column will recall that...

Vitae Aeternum: The best New World Aeternum solo builds in 2024

Earlier in New World's life, I did a few guides analyzing the virtues of different weapons and armour for the solo player. Most of...

Interview: New World devs on Aeternum’s features and regaining PC player trust

With the launch of New World's Aeternum update fast approaching, Amazon Games agreed to chat with us about what to expect - and how...

Vitae Aeternum: What new and returning players need to know about New World Aeternum

The long wait is almost over. In just a few weeks, New World's soft relaunch as New World: Aeternum will be live. With so...

Vitae Aeternum: New World Aeternum’s open beta build is actually pretty good – but will it be enough?

Starting this Friday, Amazon Games will be running an open beta test for New World's soft relaunch as Aeternum. Before then, the studio offered...

Vitae Aeternum: Let’s design some New World artifacts

The New World community is currently waiting not so patiently for the big Aeternum update in October. While we're killing time, I thought it...

Vitae Aeternum: New World Aeternum’s stagger changes could make or break the game

In all the hubbub over New World's controversial Aeternum relaunch, there's one element of the update that's been largely overlooked. The features infographic mentions...

Vitae Aeternum: A new theory on what went wrong with New World’s 2024 plans

The New World fanbase is still reeling from the fallout over the announcement of its soft relaunch on consoles as New World: Aeternum. Something...

Vitae Aeternum: New World’s Aeternum relaunch is actually a solid update – with terrible timing and comms

After months of waiting, New World's June mystery announcement has been revealed as New World: Aeternum, a console release coupled with a rebranding and...

Vitae Aeternum: So just what is New World’s big June announcement?

For the past few months, Amazon Games has repeated the same mantra in regards to New World's future: Wait for the announcement in June....

Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s ‘content drought,’ comms chaos, and lack of a 2024 expansion

The always cantankerous New World community is in even more of an uproar than usual lately. Go to any of its social media, and...

Vitae Aeternum: New World’s dungeon finder is a welcome addition

A few weeks ago, New World finally launched its cross-world expedition group finder, otherwise known as a dungeon finder. While it was arguably overdue,...

Vitae Aeternum: The ups and downs of New World’s revamped story

In the early days, I made the argument that New World's narrative, while minimal, deserved more credit than it was getting. Since then, however,...

Vitae Aeternum: Predicting New World’s 2024 roadmap

Every year, the Massively Overpowered staff gathers to make predictions for the year to come in MMORPGs. But I have so many thoughts on...

Vitae Aeternum: Five MMO tips for New World Rise of the Angry Earth newbies

With the hype around Rise of the Angry Earth, a lot of players are starting or restarting their journey in New World. In my...