ccp games

Icelandic developer known for EVE Online, DUST 514, EVE Valkyrie, and the canceled World of Darkness.

All right, when people made fun of EVE battles looking like a field of Icons, I feel like the wrong lesson was learned here.

EVE Online shows off overhauled icons

Big battles in EVE Online take place over long distances. Players need to be able to zoom out and get a sense of the...
EVE Online

You’ve only got 77 candidates to choose from in EVE’s CSM election

Are you voting in this week's EVE Online Council of Stellar Management election? If so, you'd better do some research, because there are 77...

EVE Online tests potentially revolutionary tutorial replacement

Throughout its over 10-year life span, EVE Online has always been regarded as having an insane learning curve. New players are dropped into the...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE’s CSM elections are coming next week

CCP's latest dev blog talks up the fast-approaching elections for EVE Online's 10th Council of Stellar Management. The voting opens on February 25th, and...
Needs more space dragons.

EVE Online launches the Tiamat update

The face of war is changing in EVE Online with the Tiamat update, and not just because of the introduction of a mysterious new...
Ain't no Massively yacht

EVE Fanfest to feature Worlds Collide server competition

Planning a trip to Iceland for this year's EVE Online Fanfest? If so you'll probably want to look at CCP's latest blog post, which...