eve valkyrie

Official Site: EVE: Valkyrie
Studio: CCP
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Sci-Fi virtual reality shooter
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC, Playstation 4


Perfect Ten: The complete list of CCP’s weird EVE Online projects and offshoots

CCP Games, like some other studios we could mention, seems to be a place where the team got one very successful MMO off the...
I don't like you.

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2023

Some years, it's hard to really cut a distinction between the biggest stories of a year and the biggest surprises. There can be a...

Massively Overthinking: The biggest 2022 MMO trainwrecks (almost) nobody noticed

As we wrap up our end-of-the-year and turn-of-the-calendar content until next December, there's one more recurring Massively Overthinking I like to do - and...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: An MMO sunset tour for 2022 to date

MMO sunsets can be weird. I am never happy when a game that people love goes away. It always represents a lot of lost...

The Daily Grind: Do you want another game in the EVE universe?

CCP Games, we gotta talk. You've been trying to make the EVE Online "universe" thing happen a long time. You've put out so many...

CCP Games is hunting for veteran DUST 514 players to test its next EVE universe FPS

If you're hankering to take peek at CCP Games' next big thing - and yes it's another attempt at an EVE Online-universe shooter -...

CCP Games’ VR multiplayer game aspirations expire as EVE Valkyrie, Sparc, and EVE Gunjack go dark

This past weekend saw CCP Games' run at VR games development die on the vine, as the shooter EVE Gunjack, the sports title Sparc,...

EVE Valkyrie gets an August 5 sunset date, begins the process of removing itself from digital store shelves

CCP Games has, at long last, confirmed what fans had already known: EVE Valkyrie, the first-person sci-fi dogfighting flight game, has gotten its final...

CCP Games partners with Sperasoft for the latest in a long line of EVE franchise shooters

It's no secret at all that CCP Games has been working on a new multiplayer online game, or at least it shouldn't be if...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO spin-off?

A successful online game has the potential to draw in crowds and revenue. If it's successful enough, the studio might even splurge for a...
The problem might not be the trying itself, guy.

CCP discusses trying, failing, and trying again in the wake of Project Nova’s demise

The history of CCP Games is one of EVE Online continuing on even while the developer watches every other project stutter and collapse. Project Nova was...

The MOP Up: Grab your Harry Potter nickname now!

When Harry Potter: Wizards Unite arrives later this year, by which name will you be known and feared? Lord Scooby? Mr. Cheddar? Fluffybutticus? The...

EVE Evolved: Get ready for EVE Fanfest 2018!

There's just a week and a half to go before EVE Fanfest 2018, the biggest event in the EVE Online social calendar. The event kicks...

Sumo Digital picks up CCP’s ejected EVE Valkyrie studio

Good news for anybody out there worried about the future of EVE Valkyrie: CCP's Newcastle studio, the one that runs Valkyrie, has been acquired...

EVE Evolved: 2017 EVE Online year in review

We've reached the end of another year, and it's certainly been a busy one for EVE Online. This year saw heavy gameplay iteration, with...
But seriously, give up.

EVE: Valkyrie gets a new map and spectator mode for the holidays

Happy holidays, EVE: Valkyrie fans! Enjoy a shiny box of... wait, why are you hyperventilating? This isn't a shutdown notice. (Which, you know, was...
Damn you!

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2017

Think of all the wacky things devs have said in public in front of gamers and journalists this year. Now imagine what gets said behind...

MMO biz roundup: The voice actor strike, e-sports crime, CCP VR, Crowfall, and new acquisitions for Tencent, EA, and Nexon

Let's end the week talking about money. What could go wrong? The year-long video game voice actor strike is finally fully over, as more...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s CCP Games is gambling with the livelihoods of employees

Last week we broke the story that EVE Online developer CCP Games is backing out of the virtual reality games market, closing its Altanta...

So here’s what’s going on with EVE Valkyrie now that CCP’s downsized

Yesterday, MOP's Brendan reported on the startling news that CCP Games, long known for its flagship MMORPG sandbox EVE Online and more recently known...