cma 2023 new world

Choose My Adventure: Swamps, spicy fights, story, and technical issues in New World

Just in case anyone was worried, no, I didn't abandon Choose My Adventure; I was just busied by reporting on a space game and...

Choose My Adventure: Amrine Excavation and other flail-based New World adventures

I wasn't sure that I was going to be playing with others this week in New World. That's not to suggest that I've been...

Choose My Adventure: New World’s flail and void gauntlet go together like peanut butter and jelly

Honestly, that headline really condenses my entire feelings about my time through New World for this week's adventure for Choose My Adventure. I suppose...

Choose My Adventure: What weapon goes best with New World’s new Angry Earth flail?

There's always this little buzz before an MMORPG gets a major content release or expansion drop. People are flitting around doing their final checks...