community discussion

The Daily Grind: Which MMO does the most with death mechanics?

We die so many times in MMOs that it's lost all meaning. It's merely a pause button, perhaps with a slight penalty attached, unless you...

The Daily Grind: How do you justify blasting ‘free’ MMORPG content?

An anonymous reader recently sent us an email trying to puzzle out the problem of criticizing a genre full of handouts. "A lot of games...

The Daily Grind: What do you expect from MMORPG expansions in 2016?

I ran across an intriguing chunk of comments down below Justin's impressions piece on Star Trek Online's latest expansion. One reader said he was...

The Daily Grind: What MMO handles active combat the best?

Action combat is a big thing for newer games. Instead of just sitting, targeting, and spamming abilities, you have to dodge hither and yon,...
I can't help but feel like I've been here before.

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of underwater combat in MMORPGs?

Earlier this week, MOP's Andrew Ross mentioned in his writeup of Guild Wars 2's Out of the Shadows episode that he was disappointed that...

The Daily Grind: How much notice do you need before an MMORPG patch goes live?

There are some games where patches get so much advance notice that you feel like they're already here months in advance. Final Fantasy XIV's...

The Daily Grind: How do MMOs bring out the best and worst in you?

Confession time: MMORPGs haven't always brought out the best in me. Sometimes I've gotten irritated when real life "intrudes" on gaming, even if it's...

The Daily Grind: When has going back to an MMO gone wrong for you?

I'm a big supporter of walking away from MMORPGs when they don't work for you, especially at launch -- but I always stay open...
Pokemon gone?

The Daily Grind: How would you design a Pokemon MMORPG?

It's been a good week for the alternate reality game genre: Aside from Ingress, most of the ARGs on mobile are teeny-tiny, and even writing about...
You have been removed.

The Daily Grind: What inspires you to ignore another player in an MMO?

For a variety of reasons, I do not have the ability to remove people from the universe at a whim. I cannot simply make...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do you wish you had played a long time ago?

One of the most frustrating aspects of being an MMORPG gamer is the passage of time. I can't put MMOs that I'm not playing...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs reward vets for helping newbies?

During this week's podcast, Justin explained to me something that Trion is up to in RIFT that blew me away: Players who have run...
Hearing your wonderous stories.

The Daily Grind: How old were you when you got into MMOs?

When Ultima Online launched, the idea of having a computer capable of running it was a pipe dream for me, much less also having...

The Daily Grind: How did you find your MMO guild?

I'll admit that I have a very haphazard approach to finding guilds in MMORPGs. Part of my problem is that I jump between games...
Yeah, that's the stuff.

The Daily Grind: What does the MMORPG genre offer younger players?

Earlier this year, a Redditor on the MMORPG sub pondered whether young folks play MMORPGs -- not kids, mind you, but teens, high schoolers...

The Daily Grind: Did you buy any MMOs during the Steam sale?

Steam's big summer sale is over today -- about five hours from the time this post goes live, smack in the middle of 4th-of-July...
Oh, these bugs.

The Daily Grind: What do you collect in MMOs?

At its heart, every single MMO is a game about collecting things. Most games have a number of very obvious things to collect; collect...

The Daily Grind: Does your character have a backstory?

One thing that greatly bugs me about MMORPG character creation is how little thought that these games give into providing any sort of backstory...
Also, it's crazy random.

The Daily Grind: How well do you think you represent your main MMO’s average player?

One of the things that I remind myself of on a regular basis is that I am not the average player in an MMO....

The Daily Grind: What have you never done in your MMO?

Sometimes we define our characters by what they we have done and accomplished with them. We've leveled them to the cap. We've gone on...