Official Site: Darkfall (Darkfall Unholy Wars)
Studio: Aventurine
Launch Date: July 13, 2009
Genre: Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC
Massively Overthinking: Do you have a ‘mental block’ in MMORPGs?
Back in June, MMO blogger Belghast from Tales of the Aggronaut penned a fun blog about having had a mental block against tanking.
"Something happened...
The Daily Grind: Are there any standard MMO UI elements you consider ‘optional’?
Back in February, MMO YouTuber MarleMMO reminded me that Ashes of Creation is planning to obscure enemy health bars during PvP - a concept...
Massively Overthinking: The slowest and fastest combat in MMORPGs
During a recent podcast discussion about City of Heroes' official revival, the MOP writers were talking about its combat, which - let's be honest...
Massively Overthinking: The impact of jump start servers in MMOs
With Chris' Choose My Adventure run on Lost Ark - specifically, on its jump-start servers - coming to a close, I thought it would...
Massively Overthinking: Do you strive to be ‘rich’ in MMORPGs?
Last week, we did a Daily Grind about living our best lives in MMOs, doing things in video games we wish we could do...
Darkfall: Rise of Agon updates community on the new and improved Steam version
It's been a rather long road toward a Steam release for Darkfall: Rise of Agon, spanning from the original announcement of the reworked MMO...
Massively Overthinking: The best cooking in MMORPGs
You probably thought tonight's Massively Overthinking would have a gratitude theme, what with the holiday and all. Nope, not this time, although it's sort...
Massively Overthinking: The real-world value of MMOs
A while back on the MMORPG subreddit, there was a wildly contentious - one might even say transparently provocative - thread declaring that "f...
Massively Overthinking: What’s so bad about comfort zones in MMOs?
If you've been following the MMORPG meta for a long time, particularly in World of Warcraft, you know there's corner of the industry convinced...
Massively Overthinking: Making money in MMOs – easy, hard, or in-between?
A few days ago, I was hanging out in a certain MMORPG's Discord when an age-old class fight broke out - and I don't...
Darkfall Rise of Agon explains upcoming changes to PvP alignments and stances
Since Darkfall: Rise of Agon is effectively trying to hit the reset button with a new Steam version launch, reason would stand that some...
Darkfall: Rise of Agon preps Steam closed beta, ‘retires’ official forums
Five years after Darkfall: Rise of Agon launched, the PvP MMORPG is getting ready to go into closed beta once more. This time, however,...
Massively Overthinking: The ideal MMO server setup
Over the last year, we've seen multiple major MMO and expansion launches, and most of them went awry in some way or another. Final...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMO suffers from the most useless housing system?
A few weeks ago, I was showing my seven-year-old around Villagers and Heroes, and she wanted to get herself a house. I warned her...
Darkfall: Rise of Agon plans to make a ‘big splash’ with a fresh start on Steam
PvP sandbox Darkfall: Rise of Agon has big plans for the rest of the year -- and it wants to tell you all about...
Massively Overthinking: How hard should MMOs be?
This past summer, MMO dev Damion Schubert posted an epic tweet-thread about MMOs; in fact, we've already dipped into the part on "load-bearing" playerbases,...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPGs of all time, 2021 edition
Five years ago this week - back in 2016 - the MOP team and readers did an epic Massively Overthinking picking out their top...
Massively Overthinking: What’s the most painful or memorable bug you ever experienced in an MMO?
Witnessing all the folks upset over losing gear and trades to rollbacks over and over in Diablo II Resurrected made me reflect on some...
Massively Overthinking: Would you play your favorite MMO without its IP?
Nonameplease recently posed us an interesting topic, inspired by a thread on the Star Trek Online subreddit. "It seems most people don't think the...
Massively Overthinking: The worst chat in the MMORPG genre
The first rule of MMORPGs is turn off global chat. Think about that for a sec. This is a genre that is expressly multiplayer...