
spooky, kinda

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are better with fewer people playing?

In Tyler's longform piece on The Secret World a while back, he said something that leaped out at me: that the game isn't really...

The Daily Grind: Do you play shorties, tallies, or both in MMOs?

MMOs seldom offer us many choices in body build or weight, but most of them do deliver sliders when it comes to height. And...
Oh no snail.

The Daily Grind: How do you maintain interest during content lulls in an MMO?

No matter how good your MMO of choice may be about managing its content schedule, there are going to be lulls. It's inevitable. There...

The Daily Grind: Which upcoming MMORPG has the best chance of succeeding?

There are many MMOs of various designs working their way through the development process right now, but as we well know, not all of...
dot horse

The Daily Grind: Are you a gamer or an MMO gamer?

Bear with the headline question for a sec because I'm going somewhere with this. I realize that by definition, MMO gamers are gamers. But...

The Daily Grind: Do you play any South Korean MMOs?

I'm going to start this edition of the Daily Grind by answering my own question with a sighing, "I've tried." Seriously, I've tried several...

The Daily Grind: What do you think of World of Warcraft’s Dracthyr design?

Behind the scenes here at MassivelyOP, our office staff is divided on the impression of World of Warcraft's newest race, the Dracthyr. Most of...

The Daily Grind: Does your real-life moral compass dictate your MMO activities?

MOP reader Slava has another good scenario for us to ponder this morning. "I just made a big change in my Albion Online life by...
What was I made for?

The Daily Grind: When has an MMO made you laugh at least semi-intentionally?

So I'm going to be totally honest: The first time I can remember laughing at an MMO is when I found the first of...
art by Iga 'Igson' Oliwiak

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best-written quest text?

OK, maybe you don't ever read quest text any more. Or you've made a New Year's resolution to read them all. Or you shun...
tappa tappa tappa

The Daily Grind: What’s your primary motivation to watch MMO streams?

Hey stream-watching folks - this Daily Grind is for you. I recently flipped through the comments of a Reddit thread attempting to demonstrate MMO...
The right time to do this was two decades ago.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO shouldn’t brag about instituting functionality that should already be standard?

The other day, I was writing a news post about an MMO adding a new feature to the game, and Bree immediately replied, "Love...

The Daily Grind: Has a pirate MMO ever appealed to you?

With Ubisoft's long-delayed Skull and Bones finally arriving this November, gamers will enjoy yet another option to get their pirate fix -- if, indeed,...

The Daily Grind: Should one-shotting exist in MMOs?

Here's a pet peeve I've got in video games, especially MMOs: being one-shotted. Also one-shotting. Nothing should die in one hit. Is it realistic?...
I'm on board.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most underrated MMO that you don’t play?

Project Gorgon. Academically, I know this is a good MMO. I know it's a weird MMO. I know I'd like this MMO. I love...

The Daily Grind: What MMO have you struggled to find guides for?

Finding player-written guides explaining how a given system works in an MMO or how to do a particularly obscure quest has been a part...

The Daily Grind: What’s been the best MMO gaming experience for you this year so far?

Now that we're over the halfway mark of 2022, it's a perfect time to take a quick intermission and evaluate our personal gaming journeys...

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest time period you’ve ever subbed to a single MMO?

This question is a bit biased toward the subscription era of MMOs, but I think it still has some relevance given just how many...
Yes, all of this.

The Daily Grind: Are there crowdfunded MMOs you’re still excited for?

When it comes to crowdfunded MMOs, the ones that get the most attention from gamers are often those that have collapsed into scams or...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best approach for player flying in MMOs?

Flying in MMOs is far less controversial these days than it used to be a decade or so ago, with many titles sporting some...