
LOTRO Legendarium: The double-edged sword of being past the books

This past week, Lord of the Rings Online crossed another major milestone in its development as it released its eighth expansion, Fate of Gundabad....
You are bad and you should feel bad.

Vague Patch Notes: NFTs in gaming are a bad, dumb idea

This is going to be a little more ranty than usual. Apologies for that in advance, but... well, we're talking about NFTs. NFTs are...

Perfect Ten: How MMOs explain away our infinite resurrections

Why? Why do we die in MMOs and keep coming back to life? Are we in a type of hell defined by endless combat...

Tamriel Infinium: Should Elder Scrolls Online increase its landscape difficulty?

In so many ways, One Tamriel reinvented the Elder Scrolls Online experience by freeing players to pursue their own paths through the game. I...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: 10 enemies we need to fight more in MMORPGs

When I wrote up the contents of every MMORPG bestiary, I stuck mostly with concepts rather than specifics, aside from dragons and slimes. There...

LOTRO Legendarium: Six ways to renew your love of Lord of the Rings Online

For a little bit of context, I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online since its beta and pre-launch period back in 2007....
Not pictured: NFTs.

Vague Patch Notes: The fuzzy reality of MMO expansions

So for some reason right now, I'm thinking a lot about expansions. It might be because we've got Final Fantasy XIV's next major expansion in...
Service service

Perfect Ten: Ten MMORPGs you’ve already forgotten about

Not every MMORPG can remain in the spotlight forever. Time has a nasty habit of making us forget titles that used to rile up...

LOTRO Legendarium: Maximizing your character’s first 20 levels in Lord of the Rings Online

Probably more times than I can count, I have started up new characters in Lord of the Rings Online and gone through those oh-so-familiar...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: A completely accurate 10-point summary of MMO history

History! Let's be real here, it's pretty damn boring. No one cares about it, and it all happened beforehand, so why is any of...
I'm so tired.

Perfect Ten: Strategies for juggling multiple MMOs

Among my friends, I have a reputation for being "that guy who plays all the games." People are constantly asking me how I manage...

Tamriel Infinium: Looking back at Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind

In 2002, the Elder Scrolls CRPG franchise took its biggest step forward to date with the release of its third game, Morrowind. While Arena...
Not the point.

Vague Patch Notes: All MMO play and no work makes Jack a dull boy

Here is my hard-hitting New World review: I haven't played it and don't have any urgent impetus to do so, but maybe it's great. It...

The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Loathing

It is, in so many ways, the antithesis of a modern MMORPG. It has crude stick figure drawings instead of lush 3-D graphics. It...

Vague Patch Notes: Anonymity is not why people are awful online

One of the intentions of the Vague Patch Notes column is to have a place to share things that we're going to need to...
A journey into complexity.

Perfect Ten: A sampler of crowdfunded MMOs and how they’re doing

I've gone on the record many a time as being deeply suspicious of Kickstarter and crowdfunding when it comes to MMOs. There are reasons...

Working As Intended: Brute-forcing the MMO industry

If you're a music fan, and you probably are since you're a human, you've probably come to grips with the sense that somehow the...
I can show you the world.

Vague Patch Notes: The problem with flight and flying maps in MMOs

The other night, I found myself inevitably funneled into a mistake. There wasn't much I could do about it, sadly; Guild Wars 2 had decided...

Perfect Ten: It’s time to end all dragons in MMORPGs

If a genie ever appeared to grant me three wishes, I would not hesitate. I would not be selfish by asking for more wishes...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Ranking the Guild Wars 2 professions from best to worst

There are a lot of times when this column is not in any way a ranking, when it is just a list of things...