
Flameseeker Chronicles: Five Guild Wars 2 event farms to combat your labyrinth letdown

My favorite thing about Guild Wars 2's Shadow of the Mad King Halloween event is the Mad King's Labyrinth. There's nothing quite like it,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Corsairs of Umbar and the three ways we consume expansions

Happy new expansion week in Lord of the Rings Online! It's surreal to finally be at the capstone of LOTRO's ambitious 2023 roadmap, not...

Perfect Ten: The single best expansion from 10 MMOs

Holy crud, do I not know that I'm setting myself up for some major pushback today. Oh, I feel that to my core, friends!...

Vitae Aeternum: Five MMO tips for New World Rise of the Angry Earth newbies

With the hype around Rise of the Angry Earth, a lot of players are starting or restarting their journey in New World. In my...

The Game Archaeologist: Firefall, an MMO tragedy about more than just a bus

Back when I first started writing for Massively and was energetic enough to go on trips to trade shows, I hit up a PAX...

Design Mockument: Can an open PvP full-loot system for MMOs be designed fairly?

I have an interesting relationship to open PvP design in MMORPGs, or at least I find it interesting. I don't think this kind of...
I'm annoyed.

Vague Patch Notes: So what are MMORPGs meant to be?

I don't know exactly why I've spent so much time this year fixating on the question about what MMORPGs are meant to be and...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs as Saturday morning cartoons

My insane MMO and MMORPG thought experiments do indeed continue: Previously I considered what muffins MMO NPCs are, then I considered what flavor of...

Why I Play: Five years in, Fallout 76 has become expansive, flawed, and engrossing

War might never change, but Fallout 76? That sucker has changed a whole lot since its debut five years ago. For as long as I've...

Vague Patch Notes: Default MMORPG genre features change over time, and that’s OK

I want you to picture a nonexistent MMO in your head right now. Not one that hasn't released yet; one that hasn't even been...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: The dungeon finder really did muck up World of Warcraft’s leveling – but not the way you’re thinking

So if you missed Justin's recent column, he mentioned how bad leveling feels these days in World of Warcraft and some of the reasons...

Perfect Ten: Solid MMOs you might be sleeping on in 2023

For today's list, I wanted to take a different approach to recommending MMORPGs to you. I know we often talk about underrated titles, but...

LOTRO Legendarium: Eight beneficial activities in LOTRO you may be overlooking

In my personal, immediate experience, I find that even in a broad MMORPG with lots of options, I tend to narrow my activities and...

Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s leveling journey shows how much retail has lost its way

In the past six months, I've been tracking a very interesting conversation that's arisen over what the MMORPG genre as a whole has lost...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Myths about balance in MMOs

For some MMO players, "balance" is a dirty word. And I'm not going to lie, I can hardly blame them. If you're not a...

EVE Evolved: Is it too late to start playing EVE Online?

Sci-fi MMO EVE Online reached a special milestone this year with its 20th anniversary, and for many people, it raises an interesting question: Is...

Vague Patch Notes: Why procedural generation doesn’t solve the content problems of MMOs

Just yesterday, MOP's Justin ran down the various features that the long-canceled EverQuest Next promised before its demise - including the promise of all...

Perfect Ten: The interesting features EverQuest Next promised before it was canceled

After way, way too long, it looks like an EverQuest 3 may be in the works after all. It's been rumored for years, of...
There's a lesson here.

Vague Patch Notes: Why people can’t just ignore things they don’t want in MMORPGs

As I often do, I'm going to start this column with a bit of history. But in this particular case, it's a bit of...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: The delicate balancing act of designing MMORPGs

MMORPGs are complicated. We all know that. But one of the things that I think is easy to overlook is how and why MMORPGs...