Dungeons and Dragons Online kicks off Festivult and Hardcore Season 7
When you combine two things into a new package, something special may happen. You could end up with peanut butter and chocolate, for example....
The Stream Team: Slip sliding away in Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Snowpeaks Festival
The Risia Ice Games may be gone from DDO, but its replacement the Snowpeaks Festival is not! This winter festival has come around again,...
The Stream Team: Festivult fun in Dungeons and Dragons Online
DDO questions why you would want to stop your dungeoning and dragoning for a holiday festival? Why not just toss those Festivult treats in...
Dungeons and Dragons Online adds a new raid while Hollywood preps yet another D&D flick
The terror of Dungeons and Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft are only increasing thanks to this week's Update 37.1.
Standing Stone Games activated an additional...
There are just a few more days left to enjoy DDO’s Festivult
As the holiday season and in-game events in most MMOs wind down, Festivult in Dungeons and Dragons Online is ticking to a close as well....