hall of monuments

Guild Wars 2’s new housing looks like WildStar’s islands plus the old Hall of Monuments

Ever since ArenaNet announced Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds expansion, there's been considerable debate among core Guild Wars 2 players and dedicated MMORPG housing...

Massively Overthinking: Would you pay for a Guild Wars 1 revival?

WoodenPotatoes had a fun video this past weekend about Classic Guild Wars 1, and I fully admit I clicked on it just to hear...

Massively Overthinking: What else could Blizzard do to fix World of Warcraft?

Last time in Massively Overthinking, our writers and readers sure did have a lot of good ideas to fix New World that Amazon won't...

Perfect Ten: The most fun pre-launch MMO runs

You know what's really fun? The build-up to an MMO's release, especially when you're really invested in that particular game. Some of my fondest...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What Eye of the North means for Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga has so far been filled with plenty of nostalgic callbacks to the original Guild Wars’ Eye of the North...

The Game Archaeologist: The legacy of Guild Wars

Last week on The Game Archaeologist, we examined the exciting beginnings of Guild Wars, thanks to a trio of ex-Blizzard developers who wanted to...

The Game Archaeologist: Super-early versions of MMORPG websites

One of the absolute best things the internet ever generated has been the Internet Wayback Machine. Through this site, snapshots of millions of websites...

The Secret World’s new video puts the Museum of the Occult on exhibition

If our exclusive preview of The Secret World's Museum of the Occult last week has you pumped for more, then good news -- Funcom's...

Chaos Theory: An exclusive look at The Secret World’s Museum of the Occult opening June 15

When Game Director Romain Amiel first revealed the Museum of the Occult for The Secret World, you better believe I was excited. I wanted...

Guild Wars 2’s latest patch includes bugs and a nasty exploit

This week's Guild Wars 2 patch was delayed a week, but perhaps it needed yet another week still. Players on the official forums and...