hilmar petursson

CCP Games CEO says making EVE Online’s dev platform open source cements the MMO’s legacy

EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning on making its Carbon development platform open source sometime later this year, which will grant interested developers...

CCP Games CEO voices support for NFTs and play-to-earn schemes but won’t link EVE Online to a blockchain

If you're an EVE Online fan, you might have been a bit concerned that the internet spaceship sandbox started dipping its toes into the...

EVE Evolved: Fight or Flight is a season for change in EVE Online

January marks not just the beginning of a new year for EVE Online but also the start of a new seasonal development strategy for...

EVE Evolved: How mass surveillance is improving EVE Online

When developers get on stage at an event and start talking about things like big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud solutions, it often sounds...

EVE Evolved: What could the sale of CCP Games mean for EVE Online?

Just a few days ago, we awoke to news so unexpected that it made me check I hadn't time-traveled to April 1st: EVE Online...

EVE Online Executive Producer Andie ‘CCP Seagull’ Nordgren is leaving CCP Games [Updated]

It's always tough when a development studio loses one of its top people, but today's news is sure to sting more than usual for...

EVE Fanfest 2018: CCP Falcon on EVE’s community team layoffs and having Hilmar as a CEO

It's safe to say that it's been a rough year for CCP Games, with the company pulling out of VR game development and laying...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s CCP Games is gambling with the livelihoods of employees

Last week we broke the story that EVE Online developer CCP Games is backing out of the virtual reality games market, closing its Altanta...

CCP Games ceases VR development, closes two studios – no negative impact on EVE Online

Icelandic business website mbl.is has just reported that EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning to close two of its offices and cease all...

EVE Evolved: What to expect from EVE Vegas 2017

CCP Games' annual EVE Vegas event kicks off in less than a week on October 6th, and once again MassivelyOP will be on the...

EVE Online celebrates CCP’s 20th anniversary with sale and pep talk

Did you know that this month marks the 20th anniversary of CCP Games? Well now you do, and you have no excuse not to...

CCP Games says the number of VR units on the market is ‘amazing’

I sure hope you're not tired of CCP Games talking about VR because CCP can't stop won't stop. The video game studio known best for...

CCP Games: ‘We are going to run the company from London’

MCVUK reports this morning that CCP Games has opened a brand-new studio in London. In fact, as CEO Hilmar Pétursson puts it, "We are...

EVE Online studio CCP Games says VR will pick up a few years from now

CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson told DICE Europe attendees that the company is on track to "break even" in the VR field, according to a...