josh hawley

Kick it down the road.

Lawful Neutral: Why Josh Hawley’s lockbox regulation Senate bill is dead-on-arrival

There's a special place in my heart for lootboxes and exploitative monetization, and that place is somewhere below the revulsion I feel for Martin...

Anti-lootbox Senator claims gaming lobbyists are getting worried; Nintendo pulls mobile titles from Belgium over lootboxes

It's a day that ends in "y" and so that means some fresh lootbox-related news to share with you fine folks! First up is an...
Now my stats are good!

US Senator takes aim at lockboxes and pay-to-win with ‘Protecting Children From Abusive Games Act’

The gamblebox issue isn't dying down any time soon, it appears. As Kotaku first reported, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has announced he plans to...