See: Larry Everett’s articles on Massively Overpowered
larry everett
The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light Event begins
Star Wars: The Old Republic launched its Dark vs. Light event yesterday under a heavy umbrella of player controversy. Veteran players have taken to...
Massively Opinionated: How does FFXIV pull off its sub model in 2015?
In this episode, Larry, Mike, and Eliot debate Final Fantasy XIV's business model, Heavensward, and newbie accessibility.
Massively Opinionated: Which MMO is the stickiest?
In this episode, Larry, Tina, Cosmic Engine, and Jason debate what makes MMORPGs sticky and which game has done it the best.
Sword and Bored: Class selection
Our fearless protagonist, Mo Powers, loads into the class selection screen. Might he roll an Entertainer?
Hyperspace Beacon: Eight reasons to return to SWTOR
In the midst of this rebirth of Massively, I found myself suddenly placed in charge of my Star Wars: The Old Republic guild. We are on...