massively overthinking

Massively Overthinking is a weekly feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers take turns weighing in on a particular MMO-related topic before turning the discussion over to the readership. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts and predictions on Guild Wars 2’s next big thing

Last week, Guild Wars 2 put an end to the whining about info droughts by promising a big reveal of living story season 5...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG zones of all time

I once heard it said that a popular studio - I think it was Blizzard - made it a point of asking prospective developers...

Massively Overthinking: Revisiting sheep and wolves in MMOs

One of the meta discussions we've been having here on MOP this week has centered on PvP sandbox titles like Albion Online, specifically how...
Take a walk on the already-done-this side.

Massively Overthinking: What would you want out of a potential WoW sequel?

It's a rare MMO player who's never played World of Warcraft, which makes this particular summer an interesting one for the whole genre. Even...

Massively Overthinking: Do you even *like* MMO expansions?

This seems like an absurd question on its face, right? MMO players are supposed to like MMO expansions. They're progress. They're content. They're fresh...

Massively Overthinking: Always be achievin’ (in MMOs)

A while back, my husband and I were idly chatting about MMO achievements. Neither one of us is much of an achievement hunter, or...

Massively Overthinking: The worst MMO cash shop trickery

Last week, games psychologist Jamie Madigan tweeted an underrated comment about how psychological tricks used in restaurant menu design are also found in video...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMO superfans, zealots, and insidious tribalism

We recently received two pieces of mail from longtime MOP readers and commenters that worked together perfectly to form a unified topic. Alex emailed...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling the ‘big four MMOs’ meme

Over the last couple of months, there's been a meme floating around the MMORPG subreddit. Someone will ask that the community recommend a game,...

Massively Overthinking: What are your favorite MMO ‘chores’?

A few months ago, The Outline ran a piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 titled I don't wanna do my video games chores, and...

Massively Overthinking: Unpopular MMORPG opinions

Unpopular opinions: We all have them. In fact we have so many that it's a straight up meme. This week's Massively Overthinking is one...

Massively Overthinking: Do you play MMO characters you like – or characters that are objectively good?

Earlier this week, some Massively OP writers were hanging out in team chat talking about favorite City of Heroes powersets from back in the...

Massively Overthinking: Super wrong snap judgments of MMORPGs

The year was 2004, and the month was May. My guild was growing increasingly frustrated with Star Wars Galaxies' slow development pace, so we...
We know what we know.

Massively Overthinking: Is there a ‘do or die’ moment for MMOs now?

This week MOP's Eliot and I were chatting about the wild summer the MMO industry is about to have, what with a whole bunch...

Massively Overthinking: If an MMO item is buyable with gold, does that excuse its presence in the cash shop?

This week's Overthinking topic comes from longtime MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls. It's about monetization, but it's a nuanced argument we don't see...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts on the holy trinity in MMOs

One of MOP's bright new columnists, Tyler Edwards, blogs over at Superior Realities, and he recently brought to my attention his pieces on the...

Massively Overthinking: Designed downtime in MMORPGs

In a Daily Grind not long ago, MOP reader Armsbend said something I thought just cried out for discussion. After noting that he had...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs as distraction vs. culture

Earlier this month, there was a fascinating conversation swirling around a Gamasutra article by Bryant Francis, specifically a quote from game dev Patric Mondou. "We're moving away...

Massively Overthinking: The paradox MMO

Back in February, the MMORPG subreddit offered up yet another fun thread: User Friendly_Fire told the MMO community that what it really wants is...

Massively Overthinking: Reconsidering the all-in-one MMO

One of the forever-arguments MMORPG players seem to enjoy having is the one about niche MMOs. There are quite a lot of gamers out...