moon mining
EVE Vegas 2017: Structure warfare is about to get very cool in EVE Online
If I had to pick out one thing that EVE Online does exceptionally well, apart from the political betrayals and thefts that regularly grace the gaming...
EVE Evolved: Get ready for EVE Online’s Lifeblood expansion!
EVE Online's upcoming Lifeblood expansion was officially announced last week, and it's landing a lot earlier than expected. Though it appears that Lifeblood is...
EVE Evolved: The strategy and narrative of EVE’s revenge war
At the start of this month, we reported on a massive new war that was kicking off in the north of EVE Online. The...
EVE Evolved: Does EVE Online need more conflict-drivers?
Of all the terminology associated with EVE Online, the one thing that's always made me a bit uncomfortable is to hear players describe PvP as "generating...
EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s moon mining overhaul and the future of conflict
Just under four years ago at EVE Fanfest 2013, EVE Online's Executive Producer Andie Nordgren took the stage and delivered an epic long-term vision for the...