
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Global Chat: Do you think you could design a better game than World of Warcraft?

Let's be honest: We all are so egotistical and opinionated that we totally think we could design a better MMO than World of Warcraft....

The Daily Grind: Which underrated MMO would you recommend to friends?

So c'mon, we all know what the big MMOs are right now, the ones that always come up in conversation. You know, the ones...
We know what we know.

Storyboard: On the art of verisimilitude in MMO roleplaying

Those of you who remember this column from Massively-that-was are invited to take a shot, as was the running joke. Because it turned out...

Lawful Neutral: The future of MMO game design in a streaming gaming world

It’s been an interesting few weeks for gaming. We saw the announcement of Google’s game streaming service, Stadia, and then Apple’s subscribe-to-access game service,...

Chaos Theory: Secret World is getting new story content, but it’s not in Secret World Legends

That feeling when something is so close yet misses the mark -- in a painful, how-on-earth-can-you-miss-that-giant-glowing-target way. The good news is that a Secret...

Ask Mo: Introducing Massively OP’s latest columns and columnists

As part of our planned expansion for 2019, Massively OP brought on a slew of new writers to perk up our pages with new...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on difficulty modes in MMOs?

There's a meta discussion happening across games Twitter and elsewhere over the last week or so thanks to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. In a...

Massively Overthinking: If an MMO item is buyable with gold, does that excuse its presence in the cash shop?

This week's Overthinking topic comes from longtime MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls. It's about monetization, but it's a nuanced argument we don't see...

Wandering Wraeclast: A class guide to getting started in Path of Exile

Just because Path of Exile is more than five years old doesn't mean the influx of new players has dwindled. In fact, for quite...
What are we even doing here?

Wisdom of Nym: A measured response to Naoki Yoshida’s mystery project

Well hello there, news on April 1st. I really have a tendency not to put much stock in anything revealed on April Fools' Day because...

PAX East 2019: Destiny’s Sword aims to take the ludonarrative into actual gameplay

They were called Failure Force, and they were the team that could never make a roll. My roommate, my wife, and myself were playing a...
Looks like home.

The Daily Grind: Are there any zones in MMOs you’d like to call home?

My wife has long had an affection for Nagrand in World of Warcraft, and that makes sense to me. The gentle rolling terrain looks like...

Tamriel Infinium: The power of community in five-year-old Elder Scrolls Online

Given the volatility in today’s video game industry, it’s nice when an MMO is able to celebrate some longevity. Elder Scrolls Online has not...

Perfect Ten: MMO celebrations that didn’t rip off real-world holidays

Does it ever slightly bother you that in these alternate fantasy and science fiction worlds that we explore there just so happens to have...
Well... cool.

The Daily Grind: What does an MMO need to do right at the start to keep you playing?

I don't think it can be overstated enough that the introductory experience of an MMO is absolutely crucial to pulling in and retaining a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 214: No fools we

Justin and Bree discus MMO April Fools' Day, Jumpgate's sequel, Funcom's new Secret World project, EverQuest 3, Rend's abrupt launch, Star Citizen's ladies, and Neverwinter and DDO's expansion dates, with adventures in Guild Wars 2, DDO, and Blade & Soul, and a mailbag question on MMO emulators.
So... we cool, huh? We cool?

Wisdom of Nym: Thoughts on the end of Final Fantasy XIV’s 4.x story

So now we've gotten the ending. And... gosh, sometimes these patches really do not merit splitting up, which is kind of the case for Final Fantasy...

Choose My Adventure: What Legends of Aria taught me about sandbox MMORPGs

As much as I enjoy the new guard of MMORPGs, with their quick-hit content and action combat models, I'm also not completely ignorant to...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Stories Guild Wars 2 could tell without dragons

Thus far, Guild Wars 2’s story has revolved largely around the six elder dragons. The base game’s personal story crescendoed with the slaying of...

The Daily Grind: Do you still get excited about upcoming MMORPGs?

It was the late aughts. My husband and I had scraped together money to fly to London for a meet-up with our Europe-based guildies....