Massively Overthinking: Do you multibox in MMORPGs?
Last week on Twitter, I saw someone refer disparagingly to EVE Online as "the multiboxing game." I want to talk about the concept of...
Elder Scrolls Online’s Fallen Banners DLC arrives to console players with an active subscription
This week has brought the option for console fans of Elder Scrolls Online to delve into a pair of new dungeons provided they have...
Vague Patch Notes: The MMO you play isn’t always the MMO that was designed
There was, for a brief period of time, a window when World of Warcraft was moving toward a more deterministic gear structure that de-emphasized...
Final Fantasy XIV fan claims to have reverse-engineered the same ID info used in the blacklisted doxxing mod
Among the many other changes made to Final Fantasy XIV with the launch of patch 7.2, one of the subtler ones was meant to...
Perfect Ten: The challenges of running challenge servers in MMOs
So there has been a bit of a kerfuffle over in the World of Warcraft world, which is a bit like saying that the...
DC Universe Online’s latest Day of Reckoning chapter, Aftershock, arrives with cross-faction leagues
The Day of Reckoning saga continues to play out in DC Universe Online, as the superhero MMO patches in Aftershock today.
"Prepare for the arrival...
The Elder Scrolls Online starts up its week-long Cyrodiil Champions PvP test
Adventurers of The Elder Scrolls Online, the nation of Cyrodiil needs you! Wait, is Cyrodiil a nation or a region? I searched on my...
Final Fantasy XIV’s Seekers of Eternity patch is live today
Bad news for people who are seeking new seltzer flavors, the ultimate low-fat yogurt, a four-door hatchback that drives like a sports car, or...
The Stream Team: King Nantharion’s Gambit in Elder Scrolls Online
Is King Nantharion using the staff of Many Paths to create a new wildburn seed that will turn all of West Weald into a...
Wisdom of Nym: Speculating about phantom jobs in Final Fantasy XIV
At this point, we don't have a full list of the phantom jobs that will be available in Final Fantasy XIV's new field exploration...
The Elder Scrolls Online returns the Jester’s Festival to the realms on March 27
Who wants to fool around? What about goofing? Making merry? Joshing? You know, getting up to some antics? The Elder Scrolls Online is one...
Warframe of Mind: First impressions of Techrot Encore
Here is the initial column I wrote about the most recent Warframe patch in its totality: On Tuesday, I did not have Secondary Merciless...
Final Fantasy XIV posts the preliminary patch notes for Seekers of Eternity
The process of slowly teasing out patch notes for a major update has become a very normal thing for Final Fantasy XIV at this...
Vague Patch Notes: If you have my money, you’d better have my video game
So over the last couple of weeks Lord of the Rings Online has made itself quite a mess to clean up. It's not the...
Final Fantasy XIV previews the Arcadion and new gear coming with Seekers of Eternity
There's less than a week until Final Fantasy XIV players get to enjoy the next major patch for the game, but if you can't...
Warframe takes the stage once again with the new Techrot Encore patch
It's a well-known fact that when a musician asks the crowd if they are ready to rock, the only correct answer is an enthusiastic...
The Stream Team: Warframe anniversary alerts and searching for gold
Some days you have a plan, and others, you just wander about where the whims take you. Massively OP's MJ has a plan --...
Wisdom of Nym: Last-minute thoughts before the release of Final Fantasy XIV’s Seekers of Eternity
Based on the live letter and the trailer for the next Final Fantasy XIV patch, I definitely feel at least somewhat less served than...
Design Mockument: How would a Marvel MMORPG actually work?
We've had an awful lot of Marvel-related online projects that never quite get over the finish line into an MMORPG. Sure, we have had...
Final Fantasy XIV’s Seekers of Eternity releases on March 25
It's not long until Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch arrives according to the most recent live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida....