Perfect Ten: My 10 favorite MMO pet classes of all time
I've had to face the fact that among the MOP team, I'm in somewhat of a minority who actually likes -- nay, passionately loves...
Tower of Fantasy lets players enjoy summer, explore a new map, and visit a fanservice ‘dorm’ in latest update
It's summertime in Tower of Fantasy and that can mean only one thing: entering a character's dorm to interact with her in some very...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best volcano zone in an MMORPG?
Today's Daily Grind is inspired by Neverwinter, whose last module revamped the volcanic Mount Hotenow and dropped a ton of Mountain of Flame screenshots...
The MOP Up: EVE Echoes is going to let you drill into the moon
EVE Echoes -- please remember that this still exists -- offered up some balance and market adjustments along with a preview of some new...
Tower of Fantasy promises more MMO content in the future as it celebrates its second anniversary
The shared world RPG Tower of Fantasy is going to be celebrating two years of operation this month, which means that players can expect...
Tarisland adds damage and defense bonuses for bringing rookies to endgame content
Tarisland has been surprisingly quiet since its launch here in the west last month, with Tencent having focused on launch promotion and influencer showdowns....
Vague Patch Notes: The player-provided guidance problem in MMORPGs
Final Fantasy XIV has a player-based mentor program and an automatic guidance network for new players. The idea is that certain players can volunteer...
Perfect Ten: MMOs with outstanding tutorial sections
Tutorials! They're important. I even wrote an entire column about them recently, talking about how important they are in getting people into a new...
The MOP Up: Perfect World’s co-CEOs tap out
GamesIndustry is reporting that the two co-CEOs of Perfect World have been replaced as CEOs but remain as directors: "Perfect World CEO Xiao Hong...
Star Trek Online unveils the Heritage Starship Bundle after teasing it with cryptic hints
Look. You knew that when Star Trek Online started toying around with pseudo-ARG puzzles regarding its latest promotion that the end result would be...
Star Trek Online hints at a new ship bundle with mysterious teaser images paired with a cipher
What's a good way to draw hype for an upcoming reveal for Star Trek Online? Offer fans a mystery, apparently: The MMO's Twitter account...
Neverness to Everness is Hotta Studios’ next gacha RPG set in a ‘supernatural urban open world’
If that other studio can make a sci-fantasy urban RPG, then what's stopping Hotta Studio and Perfect World Entertainment from doing the same thing?...
Neverwinter’s Mount Hotenow-revamping Mountain of Flame module is live on all platforms today
As promised, Neverwinter is getting a fiery new update today in the form of Mountain of Flame, officially live simultaneously on PC, PlayStation, and...
From castles to conservation to content, I had a ball at Black Desert’s Heidel Ball 2024
It may have been a bit since the end of Pearl Abyss' Heidel Ball 2024, celebrating 10 years of Black Desert Online, but it's...
Torchlight Infinite previews a new hero trait, new crafting systems, and more for its next update
There's new stuff coming for Torchlight: Infinite in the very near future - on July 4th, as it happens. You can catch all of...
Black Desert’s latest class, the mist-warrior Dosa, is live in today’s PC update
If you peeped any of the news coming out of Pearl Abyss' Black Desert Heidel Ball extravaganza in Beynac-et-Cazenac a few weeks back, you...
MMO Business Roundup: Roblox’s 4D AI, Perfect World’s layoffs, Bethsoft’s unionization, and Rockstar’s ambitions
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Business business business!
Roblox - The controversial games giant now claims that it's "building...
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs show blood and battle damage?
At the risk of sounding like a bloodthirsty gorehound, I do kind of wish that MMOs did more to visually represent the damage that...
This year’s Steam Summer Sale brings another collection of bargains for MMORPG fans
It's Christmas in summertime once again, otherwise known to gamers as the Steam Summer Sale, and we're happy to report that there are some...
Neverwinter announces Mountain of Flame module, coming July 16
Where my Neverwinter peeps at? Cryptic's Dungeons and Dragons MMO has a big announcement for you today: It's announcing its next season and update,...