readers choice

Choose My Adventure: Fumbling through the stars of Elite Dangerous

It was a pretty close call in terms of what my first task in Elite Dangerous would be for this edition of CMA, but...

Choose My Adventure: Sorry, everyone, but I had fun in Star Citizen

In spite of best efforts and even better advice, it's often pretty easy to have other folks bring you down for enjoying something. We...

The Stream Team: Hunting santas in TERA

Usually beating up on santas is frowned upon. Take our word for it. In the case of TERA, however, it's not just acceptable but...

Choose My Adventure: Star Citizen’s missions and their bugs

Before I begin, a bit of a program note for this edition of CMA: I kind of had to break from the voting selections...
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Summarizing our MMO adventures in 2018

Sometimes I wonder how people think things work behind the scenes here at Massively Overpowered, so let me give a little peek behind the...

Choose My Adventure: I am not good at drug running in Star Citizen

There's a rather popular quote in military circles that goes "no plan survives contact with the enemy." This quote springs to my mind as...

Choose My Adventure: Postcards from the Star Citizen universe

Your votes last week in my first Choose My Adventure gave me a great way to start looking around the environs of Star Citizen...

Choose My Adventure: Taking the steering wheel of Star Citizen

Star Citizen's recent free fly event, and in particular the time I spent with MJ and friends riding an extremely swanky ship, has gotten...
John Jacob Jinkleheimer RIFT

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh in RIFT

When RIFT first came out, I had very low hopes for it. The game already was launching into a crowded field, and it was...
Moth fight.

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI in review and choosing our next MMO

Here's the weird part about this week's column: I'm going to tell you, in short, that Final Fantasy XI is still a good game...

Choose My Adventure: Capping things off in Final Fantasy XI

All right. When last I left off my Final Fantasy XI time, it was... wait, June 7th?! What the heck happened? If not for...
Talkaru to someone with fewer speech tics.

Choose My Adventure: For the short folks of Final Fantasy XI

You wouldn't think this was something that would frequently slip one's mind, but somehow I manage to repeatedly forget that Dancer was made in...
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI makes me feel like dancing

Some weeks you have more time or less to do stuff. I managed to get a fair chunk of time in for Final Fantasy...
Oh, hey guys.

Choose My Adventure: Two milestones at the start in Final Fantasy XI

If I have to summarize, in brief, how much Final Fantasy XI has changed since its launch in the United States? In half an...
Moth fight.

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh-ish in Final Fantasy XI

This is actually a Choose My Adventure that I was somewhat reluctant to do for a long time, simply because... well, in some ways,...
No biscuit

Choose My Adventure: Ultima Online, we didn’t need to do this

Yes, this is going to come in as the shortest Choose My Adventure series, but I feel it's got a good reason to be...

Choose My Adventure: In which Ultima Online makes its displeasure known

So... this is an interesting situation for me. I've had a number of games that I've played for Choose My Adventure that I haven't...

Choose My Adventure: And now, Ultima Online, sooner or later

Oh boy. So, yes, I did actually play some Ultima Online. Or I tried to play some Ultima Online, at least. I'm not sure that...
No biscuit

Choose My Adventure: Getting started in Ultima Online

The interesting thing about this installment of Choose My Adventure is that it's probably the only time I could ever do this particular title....
Bring out your dead, I guess.

Choose My Adventure: Warframe in review

It's funny how presentation problems can have such a huge impact on the same product. Warframe, as a game, is almost crippled by its lack...