
The Stream Team: Showing off Black Desert’s new Maehwa class

MassivelyOP's MJ had some specific plans for Black Desert today, but those were all thrown right out the window with the release of the...

The Stream Team: Battling for bags and blades in EverQuest II’s Heritage Quests

Hie ho, hie ho, off to Heritage Questing we go! MassivelyOP's MJ and the gang have been going through all of EverQuest II's HQs...

The Stream Team: Following the Issue #14 trail in The Secret World

Last time in The Secret World, MassivelyOP's MJ investigated the Aten cultists and their drilling to try to discover the cause of the earthquakes...

The Stream Team: Starting SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan

It's time to move on. MassivelyOP's Larry helped MJ work through Makeb, and now her Agent can finally delve into the Shadow of Revan...

The Stream Team: Back to battle bunnies in HEX

They're cute, cuddly... and killers. What's not to love about HEX's Shin'hare race? No matter what in life tries to tug at her attention,...

The Stream Team: Conquering more Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

Now that MassiveolyOp's MJ has tested out all of the available legends, in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends, she can focus on her favorites: the magic-using Ariane...

The Stream Team: Happy birthday World of Tanks!

My, how time flies... or in this case, lumbers by on metal treads! World of Tanks has been letting players steamroll over each other...

The Stream Team: Exploring with Elektra in Marvel Heroes

Elektra has finally joined the cast of Marvel Heroes, and MassivelyOP's MJ has been waiting a while to play her, so of course she...

The Stream Team: Another round of Atlas Reactor alpha

It's been a while since MassivelyOP's MJ dived into Atlas Reactor, the match-based sci-fi PvP game. With the open alpha closing soon, this is...

The Stream Team: Making a maze with mobs in Landmark

While MassivelyOP's MJ had some concerns and issues with Landmark's big spring patch (her first moments in game were buggy), there is one aspect...

The Stream Team: Exploring ARK’s new cave biomes

After taking out the Broodmother, MassivelyOP's MJ and the gang were unable to locate ARK's two new caves. It was probably just as good,...

The Stream Team: Taking on the third Ascendancy trial in Path of Exile

Two down, four to go! MassivelyOP’s MJ has passed her first two Ascendancy trials, and she's eager to finish up more so she can...

The Stream Team: To Ankh and back in The Secret World

Last time, MassivelyOP's MJ went back to Egypt to start the story of The Secret World's Issue #14, and she ended up facing a...

The Stream Team: Taking to The Skies for a second time

MassivelyOP's MJ peeked into the upcoming survival sandbox The Skies for the first time earlier this week, and she actually managed to survived... mostly....

The Stream Team: Sailing in Black Desert

Don't let the name fool you: There are plenty of water adventures to be had in Black Desert! This sandbox offers fishing, sailing, and...

The Stream Team: Surviving a sneak peek into The Skies

What do Mondays and The Skies have in common? They both involve survival! The upcoming post-apocalyptic survival MMORPG is letting MassivelyOP's MJ in for...

The Stream Team: Arabian tales in The Secret World’s Issue #14

What's that, you say? An new Secret World issue is live? Well, we know where to find MassivelyOP's MJ! Even though Egypt isn't her...

The Stream Team: Black Desert’s welcome wagon

Trading on foot in Black Desert builds your strength, but it sure takes a long time to earn cash. When you start using a...

The Stream Team: The agony of selecting a Marvel Heroes sidekick

Marvel Heroes has a slew of sidekicks to select from, and MassivelyOP's MJ has a hard time deciding on which to use. Even worse,...

The Stream Team: A look at Chronicle: RuneScape Legends’ beta

Tabletop meets CCG in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends, and now you can finally see just exactly what that means! MassivelyOP's MJ has been eager to show...