the burning crusade

Official Site: The Burning Crusade
Relevance: The first World of Warcraft expansion.
Launch Date: January 15, 2007

See: World of Warcraft

This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative

In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...

WoW Factor: The streak The War Within needs to break for World of Warcraft

On November 13th, 2008, World of Warcraft's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, was released to an eager population. The prior expansion, The...

Second Wind: World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight story dragonflies right off a cliff

We come now to the third part of our four-part Second Wind series on revisiting World of Warcraft after quitting at the end of...

Casually Classic: Three questions I have for WoW Classic’s probable Pandaria

Oh hey, Cataclysm Classic is here. You can absolutely sense the palpable excitement and community buzz over it, much the same way you can...

WoW Factor: Guessing at World of Warcraft’s The War Within’s release date using math

Oh yeah. It's time. I actually have some thoughts to share about World of Warcraft's current Remix leveling event, which are complicated and multilayered...

Second Wind: World of Warcraft’s radically casual new endgame

Today we're going to be dusting off Second Wind, a column where we revisit MMOs of the past. It's an older column, sir, but...
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: There’s probably never going to be a World of Warcraft ‘Classic Plus’

As I always do when discussing World of Warcraft (and anything else, really), I am putting my cards on the table here: I am...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: 10 times World of Warcraft was killed forever

As many of you reading this may know, World of Warcraft is a game that launched and then immediately died forever. It then proceeded...

WoW Classic dev explains sharding and layering strategies for Season of Discovery

As WoW Classic left #NoChanges abandoned on the side of the road hundreds of miles ago, the legacy server trekked on to forge its...

Casually Classic: When will WoW Classic stop adding expansions?

This spring, the era of Wrath Classic will officially come to an end when the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch hits ahead of the summer launch....

Casually Classic: Which version of WoW Classic is right for you?

Choice is a double-edged sword: Too little of it is restricting and frustrating, yet too much can lead to decision paralysis and feeling overwhelmed....

Perfect Ten: The single best expansion from 10 MMOs

Holy crud, do I not know that I'm setting myself up for some major pushback today. Oh, I feel that to my core, friends!...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: The dungeon finder really did muck up World of Warcraft’s leveling – but not the way you’re thinking

So if you missed Justin's recent column, he mentioned how bad leveling feels these days in World of Warcraft and some of the reasons...

Casually Classic: Six reasons hardcore servers make WoW Classic worthwhile

The first time that I heard about the unofficial "Hardcore Classic" scene for WoW Classic, I didn't get it. The idea of voluntary permadeath...

Tencent’s not-a-WoW-clone Tarisland snagged a former World of Warcraft composer for its score

It's not every day that a new MMORPG even talks about its composer or score, let alone sends 'round a press release talking up...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: What would World of Warcraft ‘Classic Plus’ even look like?

So before I start this column, I want to make something very clear: I do not for one moment, in my heart of hearts,...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Every expansion era of World of Warcraft ranked

For a long time, I have been considering this particular column just because, well, it's an obvious one. If you have a column whose...
But... but we even got cold again for you.

Blizzard champions Undaunted, a World of Warcraft guild for hearing-impaired players

Players who have adventured through World of Warcraft: Dragonflight no doubt enjoyed getting to meet a major centaur NPC who communicates via sign language....

WoW Factor: Infinite (Dragonflight) frustration and the time-travel problem in World of Warcraft

Sometimes, you just gotta rant about lore. And that's the case this week because World of Warcraft has finally wrapped up the long-standing plot...
Doom approaches.

Casually Classic: Six problems Blizzard has to solve for WoW Classic’s official hardcore mode

Hey, look at that: Blizzard's going and making Hardcore Classic an official thing. As well it should, considering how this community-driven ruleset's been the...