
The Stream Team: Getting a garden in Path of Exile’s Harvest League

Here's something Massively OP's MJ never thought she'd say regarding Path of Exile: She's going to grow a garden! And yet, with the launch...

Warframe retools its partner programs to include more creators and create clearer behavior guidelines

Content creators who focus on Warframe are going to see things change a bit in regards to the official Partner and Fansite Program. Digital...

Path of Exile’s Harvest League is live today – and the community bought the devs lunch

It's harvest day for Path of Exile, as the game's latest expansion is live this afternoon on PC (with PS4 and XBbox One to...

The Stream Team: Working among Neverwinter’s werewolves

Massively OP's MJ and her team thwarted Idris' attempt to build an undead army in Ebon Downs, but there's plenty of adventure to be...

The Stream Team: Going in the Nature Guardian Tower in AdventureQuest 3D

During a previous escapade, Massively OP's MJ discovered the Nature Guardian Tower in Heartwood that was lost to time, but that's not where this...

The Stream Team: Starting Black Desert’s summer season server

With the opening on Black Desert's summer season server today, Massively OP's MJ decided to give another class a try. She is now ready...

The Stream Team: Hunting the last SWTOR HK parts in flashpoints

There's no avoiding them now: The remaining SWTOR HK parts are hidden in flashpoints, so Massively OP's Larry and MJ have to run a...

The Stream Team: Storming EverQuest II’s Sanctus Seru

During her last Luclin adventures in EQII, Massively OP's MJ got stuck in the Sanctus Seru solo story dungeon. She can't continue with the...

The Stream Team: Avenging the High Queen in Elder Scrolls Online

While gathering proof for the queen, an assassin slipped into the castle. Now Elder Scrolls Online's High King is totally unwilling to listen to...

Escape from Tarkov is getting a new map as it hits new viewership highs on Twitch

It's been a while since we've last heard major things out of Escape from Tarkov, the FPS survival multiplayer game from developer Battlestate Games....

The Stream Team: A look at ARK’s new Crystal Isles map

It's hard to resist the allure of a new ARK map, even for Massively OP's MJ. And since the map is a free community...

PC Gaming Show: Torchlight III just hit early access, New World’s beta begins in July

PC Gamer's PC Gaming Show is upon us today, and good news for MMO fans: We're actually expecting several fun reveals, from the likes...

The Stream Team: Diving into Warframe’s Deadlock Protocol

Warframe's Deadlock Protocol is live, and Massively OP's MJ can't wait to delve into it. There's new story, new scenery, and a new Warframe!...

The Stream Team: Cue the crafting in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Massively OP's MJ has been doing plenty of dungeoning and dragoning in DDO, but there is more to an MMO than just the fighting....

The Stream Team: A day of AdventureQuest 3D live events

Today AQ3D is hosting special "anything goes" live events for players to enjoy, and Massively OP's MJ certainly doesn't want to miss those! Artix...

The Stream Team: Starting Trove’s Splendid Summer Event

What, you thought it was just spring? Get with the times! It's summer now! At least it is in Trove event time: The Splendid...

The Stream Team: Elder Scrolls Online adventures with a vampire sidekick

Massively OP's MJ is still in pursuit of the coven in ESO before it destroys the king like it just did the temple of...
No screenshots yet, obviously.

Raph Koster will give more insight on Playable Worlds’ in-development MMO next year

We've been wondering just what Playable Worlds, the dev studio headed by Raph Koster, has cooking for the MMORPG world. During a an "MMO...

The Stream Team: Celebrating Conqueror’s Blade’s first anniversary

Conqueror’s Blade celebrated its first anniversary this week, and Massively OP's MJ hopping in headfirst to join the festivities. What's a battle but a...

The Stream Team: An Astroneer underground bunker

After a rocky first week on her Astroneer dedicated server, Massively OP's MJ cannot wait to get in and work on her rocky underground...