
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2022

OK folks, it's that time of the year again: the time when we cast our eyes ahead and try to pinpoint what's going to...

The Stream Team: Star Wars Galaxies’ 10th sunset anniversary

It's been 10 long years since Star Wars Galaxies left us, and Massively OP's MJ still misses it deeply. Luckily, it lives on in...

The Stream Team: Riding dragons and the danger zone in Century Age of Ashes

It's time for MOP's Chris to take the highway to the medieval danger zone as he hops aboard the back of a dragon and...

The Stream Team: Exploring Champion’s Dawn in Guild Wars 2

Although temporarily distracted by belly flopping siege turtles, Massively OP's MJ is still searching for the way to Fahranur. What she learned from the...

The Stream Team: Roaring down hills and across the air in Riders Republic

MOP's Chris has yet another large-scale multiplayer racer on the calendar for this month: Riders Republic, the extreme sports racer full of downhill biking,...

The Stream Team: Celebrating Neverwinter’s Echoes of Prophecy with a giveaway

Do we need a reason for a giveaway? Nope! But we have one: On December 1st, the third and final milestone for Neverwinter’s Echoes of...

The Stream Team: Digging for the truth of the Dwarves’ demise in Dungeons & Dragons Online

No, it wasn't the ultimate party wipe that took Massively OP's MJ out of DDO! (Though it was a fight with the gods.) Now...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2021

One of my favorite traditions every year is to put a spotlight back on some of the wild things MMORPG developers said every year....

Old School RuneScape fan creates an augmented reality setup to perform digital woodcutting in real life

What do you get when you combine a Switch Joy-Con, a toy axe, a bunch of code linking different apps together, and Old School...

The Stream Team: Infiltrating SWTOR’s Dread Guard Sanctum

The next step in the SWTOR seeker droid search is taking Massively OP's Larry & MJ to Belsavis, where they will infiltrate the Dread...

The Stream Team: Connecting with companions in Elder Scrolls Online

Now that Massively OP's MJ is hanging out in Elder Scrolls Online's Blackwood more, she needs to catch herself a companion. Well, technically she'll...

Path of Exile posts a full schedule of December events including details of new events

Remember back in November when Path of Exile announced a tentative lineup of events running over the course of December? While that announcement had...

ArcheAge players call out for a classic edition, but Kakao is noncomittal

With the change of ownership and relaunch of ArcheAge, some players are hoping that they might see a return to a simpler -- and...

The Stream Team: Slicing up the Sahvyt with the refreshed chain blades in Dauntless

Those wacky Ostians are back at it again! Shortly after making the robotic owlbear foe that is the Phaelanx, they've apparently unleashed some sort...

The Stream Team: Checking out Conan Exiles’ People of the Dragon

Does Massively OP's MJ loves castles? Does she love dragons? Yes, and yes! And Conan Exiles' latest DLC is People of the Dragons, which...

The Stream Team: Starting AQ3D’s Sandsea story back up

Between holidays and Thor attacks, so much has been happening that Massively OP's MJ has not been able to continue AQ3D's Sandsea story since...

The Stream Team: Meeting with Neverwinter’s Lord Neverember

Now that Massively OP's MJ has reacquainted herself a bit with the new level-squished Neverwinter, it is time to take her group back out...
tfw you're in love with lovely johnny

Massively Overthinking: The best MMO music of 2021

We've decided to pull back our MMO music awards this year and make the decision a little less formal, partly because of how hard...

The Stream Team: One last run of roulettes in Final Fantasy XIV before Endwalker

As the arrival of Endwalker is now mere days away, MOP's Chris has realized that he hasn't really been doing his dailies very much....

The Stream Team: Seeing (and snuggling) Guild Wars 2’s siege turtles

Siege turtles. Need we say more? No! For Massively OP's MJ, that's good enough to make her dive head first into Guild Wars 2's...