uk law news

UK regulatory body calls for investigation into Apple and Google’s ‘effective duopoly’ of mobile market

Over the past couple of years, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating whether Apple and Google have stymied growth and...

Valve faces an $838M UK lawsuit that accuses Steam of overcharging consumers and monopolizing prices

That's right, it looks like another legal firm is hoping to take a big meaty swing at Valve's enormous and probably jowly face: The...

Study finds social media game ads don’t properly disclose the existence of lockboxes and in-game purchases

A recent study conducted by legal expert and lockbox researcher Leon Y. Xiao has been completed and it finds that lockbox disclosures in social...

British police open investigation into an in-game sexual assault in a virtual reality metaverse

Virtual reality games are intensely immersive, putting their players into their worlds and surrounding them in the experience rather convincingly. Unfortunately, that immersion has...