
See: Wrath of the Lich King


LOTRO tests new Anvil of Winterstith raid, Beorning and Burglar changes

Would you rather be mauled by a bear or backstabbed by a Burglar? Either way, your hypothetical future is about to get a lot...
Vendi ad me frat

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Naoki Yoshida explains patch 4.5 and Blue Mage in the newest live letter

After Friday's keynote, Naoki Yoshida made it fairly clear that Final Fantasy XIV fans would not hear anything further about the contents planned for the...
Dead in the water.

Vague Patch Notes: When World of Warcraft breaks off your friendship

I spent a bunch of time post-BlizzCon thinking about why World of Warcraft personally bothered me. Not why its design pitfalls bothered me; that's...
Yeah, we're doing this.

Epic MMO Battles of History: World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King vs. Legion

It was just a couple of days ago when Bree was sharing that I felt like Wrath of the Lich King was the best...
Can't get there from here.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most iconic MMORPG moment or accomplishment in your memory?

Over the weekend, my husband and I decided to let our son watch bits and pieces of Fellowship of the Ring. My kid is...

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest you’ve ever played a WoW expansion?

During BlizzCon this weekend, Eliot and I were chatting about an article series he's working on different periods in MMORPG history. I mentioned 2009...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: When long-term progress in World of Warcraft isn’t

"When even the vanishingly tiny playerbase of your game that you've been catering to for years is getting tired... what's going to happen to your game?"
Those are people who died, died.

WoW Factor: Examining excitement, accomplishment, and elitism in Battle for Azeroth

It's been a while, and for good reason. But now that we're nearly three months into Battle for Azeroth, the World of Warcraft community...

Part one of Villagers & Heroes’ Wrath of the Black Thrush expansion is live

Will Wrath of the Black Thrush eventually become Villagers & Heroes' very own WOTLK? I dunno about that, but I do know it's live, as...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: My favorite MMORPG names

Stuff in MMOs has names. That's... like, a defining feature. We all know that. These games have titles, and they have expansions, and they...

Guild Wars 2’s next living world episode, A Star To Guide Us, launches September 18 – here’s the trailer

It's a bit weird for this to be coming out on a not-Tuesday, but who cares, we'll take it: ArenaNet just dropped the trailer...

PAX West 2018: World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas shares his game development journey

World of Warcraft's head guru helped to kick off PAX West this weekend with an hour-long keynote address. Ion Hazzikostas entertained the crowd with his...

Global Chat: What MMO bloggers think about Battle for Azeroth

There certainly is no shortage of opinions concerning World of Warcraft's latest expansion out there lately. The blogosphere by and large turned its full...

Villagers and Heroes: Wrath of the Black Thrush strikes next month

For those always seeking quality MMORPGs that seem to fly under the radar of public interest, may we present to you Villagers and Heroes?...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth feels like Cataclysm all over again

It took me a long time to identify what felt off about World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion. Something was definitely bothering me, but the...

The Game Archaeologist: Warhammer Online

When it comes to notable years in the MMORPG genre's history, 2008 stands out as one of the most significant. World of Warcraft's debut...

Massively Overthinking: The state of modern MMORPG raiding

Massively OP reader Sorrior recently sent in a question about raiding, a topic we haven't discussed in a while. "I have noticed raiding tends to...

WoW Factor: Updating data in the wake of Battle for Azeroth’s release announcement

Hooray, we have a release date for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth instead of just a release window! And contrary to what many...
Like a bridged over zone-wide conflicts

Crowfall’s 5.5 pre-alpha is live with female centaurs, player vendors, and a new map

Crowfall is ready to push its pre-alpha testing phase to the limit. A new dev video from ArtCraft this week shows off some of...