

Overwatch’s Year of the Rooster update is expected today

The downside of Blizzard's Overwatch teases is that they tell dataminers right where to look and leakers right when to strike. So it goes...

Marvel Heroes devs gush about new update while Lunar New Year arrives

There are two things for certain in regard to Marvel Heroes' "biggest update ever:" It was quite comprehensive indeed, and it has received mixed...

Shroud of the Avatar: New outfits, new zones, and charity aid

Shroud of the Avatar's latest newsletter begins with a bang, at least if you're a fan of costumes. Portalarium is showing off both clockwork...

The Stream Team: Beginner’s luck in Asheron’s Call

There's still a huge world in Asheron's Call to explore, and Massively OP's MJ hasn't quite made it out of the tutorial yet! Time...
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood CE trailer, datamined expansion job

When Stormblood releases in June, Final Fantasy XIV fans are going to be able to play Red Mage and... at least one other job....

The MOP Up: No Man’s Sky gets shielded (January 22, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Legends of Gaia dares you to figure out what it is

Part of the job of writing for Massively OP is encountering new games and trying to get a handle on what they are so...

A peek at Camelot Unchained’s trees, forests, and C.U.B.E.

"Today's update might be a little lighter on the tech side," Mark Jacobs tells Camelot Unchained backers in his latest update, "but we have...

The Stream Team: Watch and win Revelation Online beta access

Does Massively OP's MJ like to give things away? Yes she does! And today she gets to give away a bunch more beta codes...

Massively OP Interview: Exploring LOTRO with the Tolkien Professor

If you are looking for a bridge between you and the sometimes dense (but quite popular) works of J.R.R. Tolkien, then you could do...

The Stream Team: Sequestering an ARK squid

If you thought taming an ARK dino by letting it steal from you was different, get a load of this: taming by blood sacrifice....

The Stream Team: A first look at Worlds Adrift

What on earth is Worlds Adrift? Now is your chance to see; Massively OP's MJ has access to the alpha and she's bringing you...

The Stream Team: Trying out Asheron’s Call before it’s gone

If you wait too long, sometimes you will miss out, and Massively OP's MJ almost missed out on seeing the world of Asheron's Call....

Path of Exile teases new water simulation system

Can I get you a drink while you wait for Path of Exile to land on Xbox One as recently announced? Awesome. How about...

Marvel Heroes rolls out ‘biggest update ever’ successfully

Last night, MJ and I were nervous about scheduling her Marvel Heroes stream -- would the game really be back up and functional when...

Chaos Theory: My Secret World 2017 goals

When the year-end Massively Overthinking asked about game resolutions, I honestly answered that I don't really make any because I hadn't ever done that...

Star Citizen fends off pirates (the fun kind)

One thing that's for certain in the future of interstellar expansion, and that is the assurance that plucky pirates will take their Jolly Rogers...

Funcom announces $29.99 price for Conan Exiles, posts ‘domination’ trailer

Update down at the bottom -- Funcom just announced the game will run $29.99 in early access. If giant squid, oversized snakes, or massive automatoi...

The Stream Team: Marveling at Marvel Heroes’ mega 2017 update

Marvel Heroes mega 2017 update is now live, and Massively OP's MJ is diving in to marvel at all the changes. Just how exactly...

The Stream Team: Happy birthday Blade & Soul!

Massively OP's MJ hasn't been in Blade & Soul in quite a while, so what better time to bounce back in than on its...