heart of thorns

Guild Wars 2‘s first expansion.

Flameseeker Chronicles: Reviewing ArenaNet’s Complete Art of Guild Wars 20th anniversary edition book

Talk long enough to Guild Wars fans about their favorite franchise, and chances are that sooner or later, they will start gushing about the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s 2019 year in review, from Icebrood Saga to the future

The first half of 2019 was a rough time to be a Guild Wars 2 fan. It wasn’t without its bright spots, but it...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s 2019 year in review, from the layoffs to Icebrood

It’s no secret that 2019 was a rough year for Guild Wars 2. There were some bright spots in there as well, however, and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Deep-diving Guild Wars 2’s Whisper in the Dark storyline

The first episode of Guild Wars 2’s new Icebrood Saga, Whisper in the Dark, has been out for a week now. MOP's Tina has...

Guild Wars 2 talks about Strike Mission bosses in Whisper in the Dark and confirms more Mastery Points

Curious about the Whisper in the Dark episode coming to Guild Wars 2 next week? Do you have roughly 30 minutes of time to...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs, challenge, and flow

A couple of weeks ago, MMO developer Mark Kern tweeted a controversial claim about how challenge and interactivity is the point of games (and...

Leaderboard: Does Guild Wars 2 need another expansion?

If you've followed NCsoft's quarterly investor reports for the last many years, you've probably seen dozens graphs of Guild Wars 2's revenues and the...

Guild Wars 2’s Living World magazine teases Bound with Blood, hardmode episode encounters

If you're old enough, you remember back when there were multiple competing video game magazines, and most of them would gladly run multi-page spreads...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What we saw (and what we didn’t) in Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga announcement event

This past weekend’s announcement of Guild Wars 2’s continuation of the Living World story, entitled The Icebrood Saga, was met with all of the...

One Shots: My other car is a ravenous dragon

Sure, in your normal, mundane life you drive a Prius hatchback, but in your virtual existence, you enjoy a ride that's a bit more...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What would a mobile Guild Wars 2 look like?

Ever wished Tyria could fit in your pocket? That dream could one day become a reality. A couple of weeks ago, we heard rumblings...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s best PvP mode isn’t what you think it is – it’s minigames

One could certainly argue that Guild Wars 2’s primary focus is that of a PvE, story driven game. Hell, I’d make that argument. Yet,...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG zones of all time

I once heard it said that a popular studio - I think it was Blizzard - made it a point of asking prospective developers...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s Living World is a barrier to entry

I have really liked Guild Wars 2’s story in the last few years. Quite honestly, I wasn’t crazy about a lot of the base...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 needs real housing

There is no shortage of things to do in Guild Wars 2. Wandering around the world and exploring is a joy, and players are...

Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time

A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s All or Nothing

One amazing trailer and a day of hype later, Guild Wars 2’s All or Nothing will be live this afternoon for us to play....

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of Massively OP’s 2018 predictions

As we do every year, today we're going to peek back at the horrifying outcomes of last year's MOP staff predictions for the genre and the games within it to determine how well we did. After all, what would be the fun of making predictions if we couldn't giggle over our guesses a year later? So did we nail it or fail it? And did you fare better? Let's find out.

Guild Wars 2: New systems team, outfit vouchers, PvP updates, Revenant overhaul, and anniversary sales

One of my big grumps with Guild Wars 2 and plenty of other MMORPG cash shops is the time-limited items. The stuff I want...

Guild Wars 2 pushes out underwater balance patch while players cross over 119,431 years /played

Just a heads up that Guild Wars 2 is putting out a small patch today to balance a few issues in the game: "Since...