One of the things that makes me happy about World of Warcraft‘s next expansion is that cosmetics are becoming more unified. Unlock a plate chestpiece on one character, all of the characters on your account who can equip that chestpiece will be able to use that appearance. That’s wonderful, it frees up inventory space, and perhaps most importantly it’s a boon for those of us who play multiple characters.
Some games are set up in such a way that you’re encouraged to play multiple characters even more heavily, of course. Star Wars: The Old Republic offers you more emotes and perks depending on other characters in your lineup, including a special character frame if you manage to complete all of the class stories. Even reputation is cross-character. Other games, like Final Fantasy XIV, are actively hostile to players who take on multiple characters.
I’m a poor judge of these things, of course, since I do have alts in Final Fantasy XIV and happily play them. But it does raise an interesting question. In your opinion, what’s the best MMO for having an army of alts? What MMO is the best about sharing items and boons across characters? It’s not a question of which MMO has the largest variety of different character types to explore; which one makes you feel as if you’re meant to have more than one character?