This year — like every year — players in the comments of our award post for Most Underrated MMORPG of 2016 asked for the mean girl version of that award. Yep, you guys don’t just want to vote on the underdogs and sleeper hits; you want to tell some popular game right to its face that it’s not as good as people say.
So here you go — get it out of your system right here in this post. What was the most overrated MMORPG in 2016? Cast your vote in the poll below. I’ve included all the same games as in the underrated poll, plus a few other major upcoming games.
Reader poll: What was the most overrated MMORPG of 2016?
- World of Warcraft (24%, 309 Votes)
- The Elder Scrolls Online (6%, 76 Votes)
- Black Desert (25%, 325 Votes)
- Guild Wars 2 (8%, 110 Votes)
- Star Wars The Old Republic (4%, 53 Votes)
- EverQuest II (0%, 0 Votes)
- Shroud of the Avatar (3%, 33 Votes)
- Landmark (3%, 38 Votes)
- The Secret World (1%, 9 Votes)
- RIFT (0%, 6 Votes)
- ArcheAge (4%, 46 Votes)
- Final Fantasy XIV (7%, 86 Votes)
- EVE Online (2%, 26 Votes)
- DC Universe Online (0%, 2 Votes)
- RuneScape (0%, 5 Votes)
- Blade and Soul (4%, 46 Votes)
- Riders of Icarus (1%, 9 Votes)
- WildStar (2%, 25 Votes)
- Star Trek Online (0%, 4 Votes)
- Skyforge (1%, 12 Votes)
- Neverwinter (0%, 4 Votes)
- TERA (1%, 9 Votes)
- Lord of the Rings Online (0%, 4 Votes)
- Dungeons and Dragons Online (0%, 3 Votes)
- Trove (0%, 4 Votes)
- Warframe (1%, 8 Votes)
- Path of Exile (1%, 8 Votes)
- Marvel Heroes (1%, 15 Votes)
- Nothing (2%, 23 Votes)
- Something else (tell us in the comments!) (1%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,307