Lockboxes: every MMO game’s favorite subject, are we right? Over in the world of Riders of Icarus, Nexon is making a small but significant change to how it’s running its lockbox system going forward.
Basically, the studio is replacing monthly lockboxes with a single type — the Grand Lucky Box (super-lucky!) — and simply changing the contents inside of it whenever the company wants. Nexon said that the old system was confusing, although it sounded more like the studio had issues with being punctual about releasing monthly lockboxes on time and was starting to develop egg build-up on its face.
Nexon claims that this new approach will benefit players: “The Grand Lucky Box is a far better value for all Riders. If you purchase multiple Grand Lucky Boxes and receive your desired item when you open your first box, you have the choice to continue opening boxes or save the remaining boxes and open them once we update the Grand Lucky Box reward list.”