Hearthstone aims to balance Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, and Aviana


A balance update is incoming to Blizzard’s hit online card game Hearthstone, and it aims to open up the meta a little bit by tweaking a few of the more popular and powerful cards to allow for more variety in deck construction.

The first card getting changed is Giggling Inventor, which the official post says “is one of the most powerful and popular cards we’ve ever created,” which means that “it’s played in almost every deck.” As such, its mana cost is being raised to seven (from five), which the devs expect will cause it to “find its way into fewer decks in general–and be much less effective in Quest Rogue” while still remaining “situationally playable within specific deck archetypes.”

Also on the list is Mana Wyrm, an incredibly useful early-game drop, which is having its cost increased from one mana to two. The devs say that, as it stands, “it can often feel like hte outcome of a game is decided by whether Mana Wyrm was played on turn one,” and the card’s existence has “steered [the devs] away from making powerful low-cost Mage spells.”

And lastly, the legendary card Aviana is having its cost increased from nine mana to ten, so that “it will no longer be possible to play Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King on the same turn without some additional help from cards like Innervate or The Coin,” which “should make the combos Aviana and Kun produce less consistent, while still allowing decks that use the combos to exist for the players that enjoy playing them.”

The balance update will go live on October 18th.

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