
Short for “trading card game.”

Hearthstone moves into the Year of the Raptor with a trio of expansions and an arena update

Big things are afoot at Hearthstone these days as the digital competitive card game moves into the Year of the Raptor. Blizzard gave a...

The MOP Up: Villagers and Heroes invites you to test-drive a raptor

Villagers and Heroes posted a preview of its upcoming Patch 5.40.5, with Sugarsweet Summithas, raptor mounts, lots of changes to frontier zones, raid balancing,...

Warframe of Mind: Unpacking the reveals of the latest Warframe developer stream

After years and years of watching a pretty standard set of development streams, I found that watching Warframe's last week was a bit of...

The MOP Up: Hearthstone x Starcraft actually happened

StarCraft lives... in Hearthstone, weirdly enough, as the digital card game added a mini-set based around Blizzard's scifi RTS. "Explore the StarCraft universe with...

The Stream Team: Getting chummy in Warframe 1999

Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to hope you like me. Entrati accused Massively OP's MJ of not knowing...

Marvel Snap is still inaccessible to US players despite TikTok’s ban reversal

This past weekend's kerfuffle over legislators banning - and then reversing - TikTok in the US might have been solved for those who love...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: The ‘tactical era’ of World of Warcraft dungeons kind of wasn’t

One of the things that I like to do, in both this column and elsewhere, is push back against myths that have grown up...

Valve’s maintenance-moded TCG Artifact saw a bizarre surge of thousands of players last week

When a game enters maintenance mode, there's always the brief hope that it will suddenly garner wider interest and see at least a small...

Casually Classic: Putting a cap on WoW Classic’s crazy 2024 run

While it got overshadowed by World of Warcraft's 20th anniversary this year, WoW Classic's fifth birthday was a thing that happened as well. It...
we go

Blizzard’s 2024 infographic is light on useful info, but gamers did play 8.34B hours in Blizz games this year

Blizzard president Johanna Faries penned a dev blog to the Blizzard community last night, with kind words for players and developers alongside one of...

Riot’s Project K is a League of Legends physical trading card game

Last week, Riot Games revealed one of its formerly secret projects, which ended up being a physical League of Legends trading card game. Code-named...

Overwatch 2 starts Season 14, Diablo Immortal preps the Diablo fight, Hearthstone opens the Technotavern

It's time for another gaggle of Blizzard news, friends! Is it a gaggle? Perhaps it's a pile? A bunch? A chili bowl? However you...

The Bazaar is a mash-up of roguelite, hero builder, and digital card game currently in paid closed beta

What happens when some pro Hearthstone players decide to make their own digital card game? You apparently get something like The Bazaar, the self-styled...

WoW Factor: Thoughts on World of Warcraft getting housing and Classic Classic fresh start servers

With no BlizzCon this year and a pretty full and constantly updating roadmap for World of Warcraft unfolding (including this month's 20th anniversary activities),...

Warcraft Direct: World of Warcraft Midnight has player housing, WoW Classic Pandaria in 2025, and WoW Classic Classic

Friends, today is not-BlizzCon, which is to say that Blizzard decided not to hold a BlizzCon event in the year when World of Warcraft...
hashtag changes, always changes

Here’s what may surface during tomorrow’s Warcraft Direct livestream showcase

Tomorrow is a big shiny broadcast date for fans of World of Warcraft in specific and the Warcraft franchise in general as Blizzard readies...

Bethsoft’s Elder Scrolls Legends will sunset on January 30 after five years in maintenance mode

It's been quite a while since the PC and mobile collectible card game Elder Scrolls Legends crossed our desk, but that would make sense...
does anyone want to hang out

World of Warcraft’s Patch 11.0.7 may be coming sooner than you think

With World of Warcraft's Patch 11.0.7 and its Siren Isle in testing, there's a lot of speculation and curiosity over when Blizzard is scheduling...

Hearthstone’s pre-patch for The Great Dark Beyond set arrives today

An observer can get whiplash trying to follow the flurry of Hearthstone expansions every year -- and lo and behold, here comes another one....

Did you want Final Fantasy XIV in your Magic The Gathering? Because you’re getting it next year

The card game Magic: The Gathering is no stranger to crossing over with various IPs, whether it's Doctor Who, Transformers, or Hatsune Miku, but...