The Wagadu Chronicles reaches its Emere sub-culture stretch goal, looks to nomadic village totems next


The Kickstarter stretch goals for afro-fantasy MMO The Wagadu Chronicles just keep on getting met. With the project crossing the $160K funding threshold, the four sub-lineages of the Emere people have been officially unlocked. There’s not much information on the Emere people, but there is some gorgeous concept art to ogle.

With the Emere stretch goal met, it’s time to look forward to nomadic village totems, which will effectively let players move their settlements wherever they please with a variant of a village totem that can be carried via caravan or boat. “Ikaki boat-village that moves to a new island every two weeks? Asiman caravan that constantly settles in different parts of the Red Desert based on resource needs? These are just some of the examples of what you could build,” explains the post.

This new goal will be met when the project hits $177K, and with just over $170K in funds and just eight days left before the end of the game’s Kickstarter campaign, plus the rate with which the project meets stretch goals, this seems to be less a case of “if” but “when.”

source: Kickstarter
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