Wayfinder’s load handling has improved to the point that there is ‘essentially no queue’


The saga of Wayfinder’s rocky launch may be coming to an end, as Airship Syndicate reported that it’s improved the servers to the point where people can “play almost instantly with essentially no queue.” This was followed by the studio “humbly” inviting players back to try it out now.

“While we continue to make various network optimizations behind the scenes, we are excited to start turning our focus to the main goal of our early access period, making improvement to the game, its systems, player balance and bug squashing,” the studio said. It went on to promise that it would be announcing compensation packages soon for the problems people experienced.

Curious about whether or not to pick up this game? MOP’s Eliot and Tyler both suffered through the queue monster to bring you first impressions.

Source: Discord
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