Among Us plans new roles, cosmetic outfits, and more cross-promotions


Are we too far into 2024 for a game studio to be putting out a yearly roadmap? Probably, but that’s not going to stop developer Innersloth from laying out plans for adorable multiplayer paranoia game Among Us.

Now that The Fungle — the game’s fifth map — is out, Innersloth said that the next push will be the first new playable roles since 2021: “New roles has been one of the highest requested additions to the game – and for good reason! Roles introduced a new way to betray and bewilder Crewmates, and more ways to gather evidence against the Impostors. Soon we’ll introduce more brand-new roles each with their own little quirk that make for some very interesting lobbies.”

Other upcoming projects not tied to any timetable include better lobby filtering, more “snappy” menus, cosmetic outfits, cross-promotional collaborations with other studios, and quality-of-life improvements.

Source: Among Us
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