Mabinogi’s May patch smooths out dungeon difficulty and increases inventory stacks


All right class, who here remembers Mabinogi? You know, that Welsh-themed fantasy MMO that your one friend always raved about back in the day as having more sandbox features than you could shake a stick at? Well, it’s still around and kicking — and getting better all the time.

In fact, Nexon just released a May quality-of-life update for Mabinogi to improve many of its high-level dungeons, including “instructions for some missions have been improved to provide clear indicators such as monster deaths or item use requirements.” Standard and boss mobs in these instances also received a nerf to their skill pools and resists.

Additionally, the studio polished several of the game’s quests and allowed larger inventory stacks for items such as dyes and flowers. You can even splurge on a flower basket for — prepare yourself — 350,000 gold to hold up to 200 bundles of flowers.

Source: Mabinogi
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