The Daily Grind: How would you design a space sim MMO be broadly appealing?


If you look at the whole of MMO history, you’d see an awful lot of space-themed games that never really made it big. There are spaceship MMOs that were too small, too obscure, too janky, or stuck in perpetual development hell.

But this isn’t to say that a great massively multiplayer space sim couldn’t happen! And if and when it does, we would hope that it would capture the minds and interests of a lot of players to help it rise above mediocrity.

Today, let’s ponder what this would look like — a space sim MMO that had the broadest possible appeal. What would such a title be and what features and design would it exhibit? How could you design a spaceship title to be interesting to as many people as possible?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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