Old School RuneScape deep-dives everything about today’s sailing-centric open alpha


The call of the ocean is sweeping across Old School RuneScape today as the sailing skill open alpha is now officially underway, and in true Jagex fashion, that means the features of the alpha have an intensely granular dev blog all about the skill’s latest iteration.

Literally everything players could need or want to know about sailing is all here, including information on how to provide feedback, the variety of activities that are open during the test, points of interest in the newly expanded world map, and most importantly for our readers, how to join up with others for multiplayer nautical nonsense, assuming that’s something players wish.

One point of note is that there will not be any rewards to earn during the sailing alpha test, so don’t expect to get a head start on some skill cape or some kind of gear for the time being. That said, testing is now online for fledgling sailors.

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