Pandaren in World of Warcraft have always bothered me. Not because the expansion that introduced them was bad (it was certainly better than the expansions on either side) or anything, but because it always bothered me on some level as Pandaren were integrated into the game’s lore. The whole point of announcing Pandaren was a meta-joke about the most ridiculous possible faction that could be added to Warcraft III, and part of me is always going to be a bit irked that what amounted to a gag on Samwise Didier’s particular obsessions is now a part of the game to be taken seriously forever.
This is kind of ridiculous, of course. Lore is made up, and just because this started as a joke doesn’t affect its ultimate use. So long as the lore is consistent and makes sense, it shouldn’t matter whatsoever. But it does still bother me on some level, even though I recognize that it’s silly and is hardly a hill I would die on. What about you? What bit of MMO lore bothers you more than it probably should, for whatever reason?