I have a lifelong policy of not being spicy to people who are bad in World of Warcraft PvP because I can hardly blame them for it. It’s not just because I’m not all that great but also because I remember full well when PvP was the best deterministic gearing system in the whole dang game, which meant that I was doing PvP despite not even caring about it. Heck, I still don’t care about it. But at certain points in the overall pattern of an MMO, it’s rewarding, and so I wind up knee-deep in it even though I might not actually like it.
I suspect this happens to a lot of MMO players. Even though there may be content we like more, for various reasons (usually reward-related) there are often times when we will do content we don’t actually like very much in order to get rewards from it. So what’s your least favorite content in an MMO that you still take part in? What do you do not because you find it fun but because you think the rewards are important?