Eliot Lefebvre

Eliot Lefebvre

Senior Reporter

Eliot Lefebvre has been writing on Massively Overpowered since it was created after a long and illustrious career of writing about video games for half a decade on some other site that you might have heard about. He currently pens Wisdom of Nym for Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Factor for World of Warcraft, and the industry and culture speculation of Vague Patch Notes. He also shares writing duties on Perfect Ten and writes some nonsense for What Are You Playing. No photos of him standing next to seventeen lizards in a trench coat have surfaced, coincidentally.

Twitter: @eliot_lefebvre
Streaming: Snippy Harold
Seriously, I can't fit enough praise into a news post about abandoning an idea that didn't work.

What Shadow Realms was and what it might have been

Shadow Realms was an idea that didn't actually make it to "game" stage. It was cancelled a month ago, and odds are high-to-absolute that...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online is shutting down in China

So long, Allods Online; you will be remembered. The Russian-made fantasy MMO is shutting down... in China. The English servers are still just fine....
That's not a doll, guy.

Final Fantasy XI will hold a press conference on the future, but what will it say?

Final Fantasy XI feels a bit neglected with all of the hype surrounding Final Fantasy XIV's expansion, doesn't it? That's probably part of the...
I am still proud of myself for this screenshot.

Perfect World Entertainment hit with potentially massive layoffs

Layoffs have hit Perfect World Entertainment. It was first rumored in a tweet by Ben PerLee, who had previously worked as PR for the...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall details mount mechanics as it clears $1.2 million

There's no doubt at this point that Crowfall will be funded, but there is some question about how much extra stuff will be in...

Wisdom of Nym: The end of Final Fantasy XIV’s 2.X cycle

The last part of Final Fantasy XIV's pre-expansion storyline is going live on March 31st. That's about two weeks away. And while you'll be...
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavensward has a release date

I'm going to be totally honest and say that I expected more revelations for PAX East for Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, I realize that...

PAX East 2015: Recapping the ‘Where Did Multiplayer in MMOs Go’ panel

The last time I was asked where the social aspects of MMOs went, I was pretty directly snarky: They're still there. And it's true, but...
Let me show my pokey... oh, you know the gag.

PAX East 2015: Hands-on with Undead Labs’ Moonrise

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I first laid hands on Moonrise at this year's PAX East so I suppose that "fast-paced party-based Pokémon" should...
Back when it all began.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavensward launches on June 23

The expansion releases on June 23rd, early access begins on June 19th, and pre-orders open up on March 16th.Since the original launch of Final Fantasy...
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

PAX East 2015: A chat with SOTA’s Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott casts a long shadow in the MMO industry, with Ultima Online serving as the first fully graphical MMO and ushering in the genre...
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: A self-defeating genre

Remember when World of Warcraft launched? I sure do. I remember when the game's developers strapped into a helicopter and broke into the building...
Big time.

Gigantic will be published on Windows 10 and Xbox One

In a news sure to relieve the gamers unsure whether a MOBA would come along specifically designed to work with Windows 10, Motiga has...

PAX East 2015: Trion Worlds is throwing a party

It's been four years since RIFT came out and the Trion Worlds team hosted a party in Boston to celebrate the game, so it's...
No word on Lord of the Rings Online erecting a monument for the bravest hobbit of them all.

Star Trek Online installs memorials for Leonard Nimoy and all those lost

The death of Leonard Nimoy affects everyone who has ever been engaged in the Star Trek franchise, whether you were a lifelong fan of...
Rebranding, that'll fix everything, it always does.

Shadowrun Online rebrands as Shadowrun Chronicles, aims for April release

Shadowrun Online isn't Shadowrun Online any longer. Hot on the heels of its announcement that it's secured a physical distributor, the game has rebranded...
Big space roundy bit.

The Daily Grind: Are you prompt about unsubscribing from MMOs?

I am going to make a confession: I am terrible about remembering to unsubscribe from games I am no longer playing. Guild Wars 2...
So long.

Strongholds and the Jungle in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

While I was taking my test drive of the Revenant class at ArenaNet's recent press event, I wasn't just playing through old familiar portions of...

Camelot Unchained preps for its alpha unveiling

Camelot Unchained had to delay the start of its alpha testing for everyone over the weekend, but it doesn't seem as if it's going to be...
Hooray, Rytlock's actually doing something!

Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

It might be premature, but I'm pretty sure that the Revenant is my favorite profession in Guild Wars 2. And strangely, it's because it...