
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The Stream Team: Doubling down on The Secret World’s Issue #13

What's better than watching MassivelyOP's MJ go up against cyborgs in The Secret World? Why, when Justin joins her, of course! The duo is...

Trinium Wars introduces the Narc race

The Narc race for upcoming post-apocalyptic MMO Trinium Wars looks kind of adorable. Big fluffy ears, big eyes, delicate features... all the stuff you'd...
Whether or not, etc.

The Division’s first legit player mods are graphics shaders

Put down your pitchforks, anti-damage-meters zealots: The first mods for The Division are for graphics, at least if you don't count the gameplay hacks...

Giveaway: Stronghold Kingdoms Island Warfare promo keys [All gone now!]

MMORTS Stronghold Kingdoms is getting a massive expansion today in the form of its Island Warfare update. The lords of Stronghold Kingdoms can now turn...

The Stream Team: Paladins patch means game modes galore!

As developing games are apt to do, Paladins has put out another patch since MassivelyOP's MJ last played. This one, called the "Chicken Patch"...

Villagers & Heroes update includes a secret zone and Valentine’s Day event

The first major drop of the year for Villagers & Heroes went live today! The Copse of the Treants continues the high-level journey through the Blighted...
Probably not designed for lengthy flight.

Indie Russian airship sandbox LuckCatchers is on Steam Greenlight for voting

For reasons which remain shrouded in mystery, there are still very few games in which players take control of airships simply as a matter...

Horse Quest Online might be the best equestrian MMO ever

Obviously y'all know that we here at the Massively OP offices are downright obsessed with all things horses. Eliot loves to braid their manes,...

Devilian adding Tempest class, raising level cap

Trion Worlds' OARPG Devilian has only been out for a short while now, but the game is already preparing to grow in more than...
Most of the time.

Take a first look at the art and animations of Crowfall’s Ranger

It's no secret that you want your characters to look good. Everyone does; that's why very few games consider it an acceptable compromise to...

Blizzard shakes up Hearthstone with a new game mode

In a competitive card game like Hearthstone, the developer has to keep releasing new cards each year to keep things interesting. This comes with...

Worlds Adrift answers community questions, talks inspiration

Do developers actually play and enjoy the games they're making? This question is but the first of a series of community queries that were...
What even is this any more.

Experiencing Bless Online’s open-world PvP

If you've wondered what Bless Online's PvP is like, can give you a peek in the Korean open beta. Upon reaching level 30,...

See APB Reloaded’s upgraded engine in action

Slowly but surely, APB Reloaded's dev team has been upgrading the game's visuals to a higher level of fidelity. We've seen screenshots before, but...
It's like three games for the price of... well, actually, it's two games now.

Chris Roberts answers another ten questions for Star Citizen fans

Ready for another round of answers for Star Citizen fans from the project's brain trust? Chris Roberts has sat down for the 76th installment...

Neverwinter announces ninth expansion, The Maze Engine

Perfect World Entertainment has just announced a new expansion for Neverwinter. Called The Maze Engine, the update will leap into the post-Underdark storyline and include...
The final frontier indeed.

Take a look at what’s coming in Elite: Dangerous’ next major update

The team behind Elite: Dangerous has a history of putting lots of stuff in each big numbered patch. While there's no firm date on...

Online RTS Grey Goo releases free Descent of the Shroud DLC

It's been a tough year for online RTS Grey Goo, which released in January 2015 to less than stellar reception. The game promises classic RTS gameplay and...
Getting carded.

Paragon’s guide to cards for testers

Pretty much every MOBA has some system in place for upgrading your chosen hero as you play. Paragon is making use of a card...

Black Desert launches in the west on March 3rd

Daum has just announced that Korean sandbox Black Desert is arriving in the west sooner than you might've thought.