I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online shows off its 23rd century ship stats

When Star Trek Online launches Agents of Yesterday, players will be able to fly around in the ships of the line from the mid-23rd century rather than the early 25th century. That's a bit of a transition. It's also good cause for four new ships designs for players to fly through the stars, and the stats for those ships...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: An examination of Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3

With patch 3.3 on the live servers, the next few months are going to be the best time to be playing Final Fantasy XIV for a bit. Seriously. By October, the expansion thirst will be overwhelming (having it announced isn't going to help things), and we're going to be moving into the patches that continue the story but also...

Guild Wars 2 releases sound design video for latest raid wing

Did you hear something? Oh, it was just the sound of a Guild Wars 2 boss making death-rattle noises. Carry on. ArenaNet's just posted its third developer video on the Stronghold of the Faithful raid wing, this one featuring the sound design of the Keep Construct boss. The raid wing launches tomorrow; listen up below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nEIYoVmILI Source: Official site

CCP announces Carrier Assault patch for EVE: Valkyrie VR shooter

CCP has today announced a free update for VR-centric EVE: Valkyrie, the star of which is a new game mode called Carrier Assault. "Until now the enemy’s carrier has been off limits," explains the studio. "An impenetrable flying fortress that could cut you down before you even grazed its shields. Now, you will have the opportunity to get up close...
Oh, no, I have to list this among my past acting credits!

Editorial: The Warcraft film is absolutely awful

A film does not have to be good to be entertaining. I hold that as a pretty firm truth. Snakes on a Plane, for example, is not a good film; it has an absurd plot, ridiculous solutions to problems, terrible dialogue, and one scene very clearly shot after the rest of the film simply to insert the Internet's favorite...

Landmark bombs on Steam while WildStar fans deliver positivity

It was probably inevitable that Landmark's official launch on Friday afternoon -- against the Warcraft movie and pre-E3 hoopla and following basically zero PR and a bizarre Daybreak forum announcement about launch just two weeks prior -- has not gone well. The game's Steam reviews are abysmal, with nearly 2000 people showing up so far to give the game a "mostly...
Flops MacKenzie

Warcraft film hits a roundly disappointing $24.4 million opening in the US

It might seem a bit baffling that the Warcraft film was released in China well before it was released in the United States (which is sort of the origin point for World of Warcraft, for those who missed that memo). Then again, it makes perfect sense when you look at the film's opening numbers. The movie hit an impressive...

E3 2016: Elder Scrolls Online accumulates 7M players, announces game-wide auto-scaling

Elder Scrolls Online took to its studio stage pre-E3 late last night to make a major announcement: The MMO will soon feature universal level-scaling for all players across pretty much the entire game. Characters' levels will be automatically adjusted to the zone in which they adventure, and there will be no more PvE alliance restrictions. This initiative is being called "One Tamriel,"...
Holy moly.

The Daily Grind: What would you do in your MMO if you were suddenly uber wealthy?

Today's Daily Grind is inspired by a Reddit thread posed to Guild Wars 2 players asking them what they'd do if they suddenly had 3,000 gold (a very large sum there) to play with. I thought the question was a great one even beyond the walls of Guild Wars 2 because the economy sub-game is such a big component...

MMO Week in Review: All the launches. All of them. (June 12, 2016)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! Last week was another giant week for the MMO genre. Landmark finally launched, WildStar rolled on out to Steam, we weighed in on The Elder Scrolls Online's Dark Brotherhood DLC, Star Citizen finally pushed alpha 2.4 live,...