Destiny’s new expansion creates a headache for non-buyers

Destiny players are flocking by droves to upgrade to the new Taken King expansion... but what about those who decided not to jump on board? It turns out that Bungie is making life quite difficult for those trying to stay in the old content. Players without the expansion have found themselves locked out of parts of the game that are...

EverQuesting: EverQuest franchise expansion announcements erode more trust

Is it just me, or is Daybreak actively trying to make me dislike it? To force me abandon all hope when I enter? Because I like the games (what's left of them, anyway) and many of the people (well, ditto), so it takes some dedicated effort to make me wince and begin to question my support. But that is...

The MOP Up: All news must go!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That's why there's The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won't want to miss. See any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips...

One Shots: Welcome to the party, pal!

"You have to love randomly running across a band when you enter a building in Bree," reader Yrys said in conjunction with this picture from Lord of the Rings Online. I have to agree. Players congregating to perform music, put on plays, referee games, or otherwise doing mass social activities that aren't revolving around murdering giant beasts always brings me...
Can't we go back to mushroom people? That'd be keen.

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you doubt you’ll ever play?

I never cared about EverQuest. The first game came out before I was even remotely interested in an online game, and the sequel wasn't World of Warcraft, so I wasn't there on the ground floor. Thing is, people have told me that there are things I would enjoy about the aforementioned sequel, and I believe them, but at this...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: September 19, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, MUD canceled its Kickstarter, ostensibly so that its developers could pursue other job opportunities that will help fund MUD down the road. Also this week, Indie sci-fi sandbox Divergence Online kicked off another IndieGoGo campaign to supplement its previous successes and round out the game's combat. The rest of this week's crowdfunding news roundup...

Heroes & Generals’ game director on cockpits, faction balance, and more

Heroes & Generals rolled out the new Xylander patch earlier this month, and Massively managed to snag an interview with Reto-Moto game director Jacob Andersen. Will the World War II shooter ever shed its beta label? Are aircraft cockpit environments possible? The answer to these and a few other questions are just past the break! MassivelyOP: Do the devs have any...

Life Is Feudal tweaks networking, fixes bugs

Life Is Feudal updated its Steam page with info about its latest patch yesterday. The update features some networking optimization, which the devs say should result in smoother player and animal movements. Training dummies have been implemented, too, so feel free to take your frustrations out on them while raising your combat skills. The new patch boasts a bunch...

The Game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online

"The future in your hands." This was Funcom's promise to gamers in the early days of the 2000s. Even as the MMORPG genre slowly took shape and grew in popularity, game studios were still babes in the woods, feeling out this brave and complex new world without a standard handbook to guide them to success. Every studio desperately hoped that it had the...

The Stream Team: ARK has rafts!

In a game called ARK, you'd think that some kind of sea-faring vessel would be involved. However, it wasn't until the recent patch that non-dinosaur-powered water travel was introduced. MassivelyOP's MJ is excited to build herself a raft as a portable home as she braves the world on water.  Join us live at 12:00 p.m. for this maiden ocean...