Gandalf kicks ass in new Black Desert trailer

Still keeping an eye on hyperrealistic sandbox Black Desert? Last night Daum posted a new trailer for the MMO, this one focusing on the Wizard and Witch classes, which apparently are slightly different gendered versions of the same class. According to Steparu, the class is a nuker that scores a teleport, mana shield, and evasion technique. Ice, lightning, and flame...
You wanted bunny girls. Happy to not oblige.

Bluehole Studio artist posts Project EXA renders

What is Project EXA? We don't know at this point; all we know is that it's something Bluehole Studio has been working on since 2014 and it's an intriguing mystery. Rumors swirl about the game being tied to Bluehole's last big project, TERA, but they're nothing but rumors at this point. About all we know is, well, there are a...

The Daily Grind: Will you play WildStar once it’s free-to-play?

Ever since the rumors began that WildStar was about to flip the switch on a new free-to-play business model, I've been pondering whether I'll give it another try. Now that we know for sure the conversion is happening this fall, that decision will soon be upon us all. A lot of disgruntled subbers take this position: If the game wasn't worth...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

Massively Overthinking: When IPs are wasted on mediocre MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor Aldranis, whose query neatly dovetails with the IP-related question we answered on the podcast earlier this week. Aldranis writes, Do you think IP-based games lead to an oversaturation of mediocre MMOs on the market? It seems for every Marvel Heroes or Lord of the Rings Online, there are one or...

NCsoft shifts attention to western and mobile markets

Are you excited about the future of (mobile) gaming? NCsoft sure is! The South Korean gaming giant blasted out a press release this afternoon announcing that it is "doubling down on its existing portfolio of products," "laying the groundwork to increase NCSOFT West's investment and prominence in the West," and establishing a new mobile studio in San Mateo, California. "We are expanding our product...

Ryzom gets a greenlight on Steam

There's something to be said for having all your games snuggled together on one platform, and now Ryzom may be on its way to joining Steam. The community voted to greenlight the free-to-play sci-fantasy sandbox, which opens the door to adding it to Steam's library. Currently Ryzom offers players the opportunity to delve deeply into a vibrant world filled...

Want a biker jacket emblazoned with your guild name in The Secret World?

How would you like a biker jacket with your guild's cabal's name on it for your avatar in The Secret World? All you have to do to enter Funcom's new contest is retweet this once between now and June 3rd at 3:00 p.m. EST. The jackets are account-bound items that will only be awarded once, Funcom says, so make sure...

Greed Monger officially calls it quits

After staff defections and general developer drama earlier this year, there really wasn't much hope for the future of Greed Monger. Now there is no hope whatsoever, as the team has run out of funds and is unable to even get a smaller title out the door to backers. Programmer James Proctor delivered the bad news to the community: "With...

Star Trek Online gets new featured episode, weekly rewards

Cryptic has announced that Star Trek Online's latest featured episode is available to all captains engaged in the Iconian War. You'll join House Pegh and "take on a covert operation to strike at the Iconian forces" as well as "bring the force of the Klingon Empire to bear" against your enemies. Every week, the devs will feature a new reward related...
If at first you don't succeed, that means nothing now.

Echo of Soul heads into open beta today (with no further wipes)

Echo of Soul is in open beta as of today, so if you want to jump in and play right this moment, you can. Assuming that you're at a computer that can run the game and such, of course; if you're reading this at work, you probably can't just download the game and play while working. That's not the...