nostalrius - search results

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Mark Kern to Ember followers: ‘I feel a profound sense of responsibility for what happened to Firefall’

In the wake of the apparent complete emptying of the Red 5 Studios offices this week, former Firefall founder Mark Kern is forging ahead...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 69: WildSteam

Justin and Bree discuss ESO, WoW, WildStar, Nostalrius, TSW, Star Citizen, Landmark, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on MMO dungeons.

WoW dev vows ‘richer patch content lineup for Legion’

More news is emerging from the Blizzard summit in Irvine this week. Kotaku's World of Warcraft interview touches on a number of topics, including...

Mark Kern says Blizzard took his vanilla WoW petition meeting ‘very seriously’

Mark Kern, who this weekend went to Blizzard's campus armed with the printed vanilla World of Warcraft server petition, has returned from his meeting...

Mark Kern says he’d buy Firefall back if it sunsets

Mark Kern, most recently recalled to MMORPG audiences for volunteering himself as a spokesperson in the Nostalrius World of Warcraft vanilla server ordeal, told...

The Daily Grind: Do we have a right to play the games we actually buy?

Yesterday's Extra Credits video sends the RC team diving into the Nostalrius issue, but don't start groaning yet: The video initially zips past the...

Leaderboard: What must a classic WoW server have to make you play it?

Word yesterday that Blizzard has invited the "progressive vanilla" Nostalrius emulator team to Blizz HQ, presumably to discuss World of Warcraft and not the...

Global Chat: What can MMORPG devs do to foster community?

One of the neat aspects of the MMO blogosphere is how writers will often interact and collaborate with each other. Recently, four bloggers ganged...
Was this the longest?

The Daily Grind: Would you play Blizzard’s idea of a ‘pristine’ WoW server?

Yesterday's big news in the ongoing Nostalrius saga was a message from Blizzard's J. Allen Brack, who suggested to players that in lieu of...
When you're out in the club and you see a fly girl, do the creep!

Blizzard responds to vanilla WoW server requests, considers ‘pristine realms’

The shutdown of the Nostalrius private server happened some time ago, but the debate it started hasn't stopped, and today the World of Warcraft...

Vanilla WoW petition hits 200K signatures, invokes Mark Kern

Fans have now propelled the Nostalrius petition asking Blizzard to reconsider World of Warcraft vanilla servers to over 200,000 signatures, which means that former...

EverQuesting: Daybreak is on the right side of the MMORPG legacy server debate

WoW is stupid. Yes, I said it. World of Warcraft is dumb. More accurately, I should say Blizzard is stupid. The reason? Its stance...

RuneScape argues why MMO companies should offer classic servers

There's been this thing in the news over the past two weeks about a certain (illegal) fan-run vanilla World of Warcraft server and its...

Leaderboard: What was World of Warcraft’s best era or expansion?

With vanilla World of Warcraft on the brain so much lately, I thought it would be fun to take stock of just what people...

Working As Intended: Busting up the MMORPG nostalgia party

Last week, a clever Massively OP commenter, SC_Deadline, neatly summed up the ongoing Nostalrius emulator shutdown as Blizzard "bust up someone's nostalgia party," which...

The Daily Grind: Would you play on a vanilla World of Warcraft server?

Word that wildly popular "progressive vanilla" World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius is sunsetting in the face of a Blizzard legal threat has dominated MMORPG...